Recent content by deadhead

  1. deadhead

    EAS is hiring a Field Supervisor for its Brea location

    Your correct. There is a 48 every three weeks. The schedule is nearly identically to the Kelly's used by fire and matches with the 24-hr. schedules used in our FD contract ares. And, it would be very unlikely that a supervisor would not be able to get sleep. I doubt that exhausting would...
  2. deadhead

    EAS is hiring a Field Supervisor for its Brea location

    EAS is seeking applicants for a upcoming Field Supervisor position. If any of you are interested in applying please check out our website or check our our ad on All the details are there.
  3. deadhead

    Placentia Transition with Lynch

    jgmedic, the City of Placentia's choice was based on cost, and not on the delivery model. There was never a push to get away from PAUs, medic vans or squads. Notwithstanding, the transportation component falls under the County's scope of influence and they have remained consistent county wide...
  4. deadhead

    Placentia Transition with Lynch

    Thanks! There are always rumors flying around. Also, hearing nothing but good things from our crews regarding their working relationships with the Lynch medics.
  5. deadhead

    Placentia Transition with Lynch

    Hi Jn1232nd. I just saw your thread and want to provide some clarification for other forum reader. It seems that is you have been misinformed regard EAS and our contact to serve Placentia. EAS renewed its contract for Region A on June 1. and we will continue serving the area (including...
  6. deadhead

    Emergency Ambulance Service is hiring Drivers and Attendants!

    Yes. We occasionally hire non - drivers (persons under 20 1/2). However, they need to meet the same driver underwriting guidelines as our other employees.
  7. deadhead

    Emergency Ambulance Service is hiring Drivers and Attendants!

    Correct - partially. You need to be 20 1/2 to drive provided you meet all of the driver underwriting guidelines set by our insurance. Also, we will occasionally hire persons under 20 1/2 provided that they meet the same guidelines. However, if employed they are prohibited from driving in...
  8. deadhead

    Privatized EMS in Placentia CA

    Good question. I haven't seen same situation in over 35 years in EMS, but our business is constantly evolving. For Lynch the financial incentive for BLS seems to be in the form of the subsidy they will receive from the City. The contracted BLS transport provider (whether it's EAS or someone...
  9. deadhead

    Privatized EMS in Placentia CA

    If you are referring to the proposal - EAS has not submitted it yet. Our response and any others may be available through the HCA after they are awarded. The RFP can be found on the OC BOS website. Assuming we will retain the area - we would work with Lynch similar to our relationship with...
  10. deadhead

    Privatized EMS in Placentia CA

    Yes. We had medics for many years and we may reimplement our program. We are the BLS transport agency through June 2020 and are in the RFP process at present. We are certainly hoping to stay as the transport provider. We've been doing it in Placentia for 25 years and it's been a pleasure...
  11. deadhead

    Emergency Ambulance Service is hiring Drivers and Attendants!

    Summer's here, and we are back in hiring mode. We're seeking applicants for some open full time EMT (Driver Qualified) positions.
  12. deadhead

    Privatized EMS in Placentia CA

    wtferick, No. they are not dropping EAS. The contract is strictly for ALS response and treatment, not for transport. The transport contract is administered by the County and is completely separate.
  13. deadhead

    Privatized EMS in Placentia CA

    Hi. EAS is not losing Placentia. We are still the emergency 911 transport provider for the city and we intend to remain their provider. The contract for Placentia (and also Yorba Linda and some unincorporated territory) is administered by the County HCA. It's a completely separate animal.
  14. deadhead

    Privatized EMS in Placentia CA

    Hi. Just to offer a couple of points of clarification. 1. The first thing our CEO said at the council meeting was that we would have liked to have submitted a bid, but that the numbers did not match up for us and that is why we did not respond. The very last thing he said was that neither...
  15. deadhead

    Emergency Ambulance Service is hiring Drivers and Attendants!

    For anyone who is interested we have opened up new positions and are accepting applications once more