Recent content by clc343

  1. C

    Having Trouble Passing NREMT-B - Suggestions?

    yes i know what you mean i am in the same boat as you are i am freaking out ha
  2. C

    Having Trouble Passing NREMT-B - Suggestions?

    i feel your pain i have failed it to 2 times and i am freaking out i wont pass it again and idk what to do or study any more i am scared to take it one more time :(
  3. C

    NREMT Practice Quiz Resource Thread

    really you did you are so lucky any tips i have still not taken it yet i am to scared to
  4. C

    NREMT Practice Quiz Resource Thread

    no i havent taken it yet did you pass it on your third try yet and did you take the refresher course and if you did how was it
  5. C

    NREMT Practice Quiz Resource Thread

    i know what you mean i am nervous about this test i only have one more try to