Recent content by Chimera911

  1. Chimera911

    EMT killed while helping crash victim

    I would never knock coffee. Ever.
  2. Chimera911

    EMT killed while helping crash victim

    Yeah, seriously though. ^_^
  3. Chimera911

    EMT killed while helping crash victim

    Mmmm sweet tea. :wub:
  4. Chimera911


    HAHA! I think I might need sedatives instead -- you all might get me hyped up. :P
  5. Chimera911


    OMG! Those people are completely unphased by a lit, screaming, speeding bus. It's unreal. I mean, fine, they're NYer's and all, but geez! At least have the courtesy to duck out of the way when I'm on my way to an emergency.
  6. Chimera911

    EMT killed while helping crash victim

    Sick and twisted, sounds and feels like home. B)
  7. Chimera911

    EMT killed while helping crash victim

    LOL now there's a cheery thought. :P
  8. Chimera911


    No, but I became horribly dependent. They did make me feel nauseated half the time. Soma and Vicodin somehow managed to zap the life out of me. Despite the fact it would ease my pain, I felt like a shell.
  9. Chimera911


    I wouldn't take Vicodin again if you paid me. I'd have to be near death with pain to even consider it.
  10. Chimera911


    Ah, yes. That's always a good lifting technique. :lol: But it works better when yer purdy (so it didn't always work for me). :P ;)
  11. Chimera911


    Oh god. :sad: Here's wishing you a speedy recovery. They kept switching up medicine on me, too. I was surprised I didn't crap a pharmacy! I really loved physical therapy though -- it was administered by this big Russian guy. Just take it easy and don't overdo it, and if something hurts...
  12. Chimera911


    My anxiety has lightened recently, but I suspect that once I start certification for NJ it'll come back. The most stressful thing about working as an EMT in Manhattan was the DRIVING lol! Anyway, I'm hoping that won't be the case, or that if it does that all the exercise and sports activities...
  13. Chimera911


    ^_^ It's incredibly refreshing to hear another EMT say this, and I totally agree -- it is our job to care for unhealthy people, not become them (if it can be helped, of course). I'm so used to people in EMS taking little or no care of themselves so that they end up getting burned out, injured...
  14. Chimera911


    Oh man, it's the worst when men (or ANYONE you care about for that matter) are stubborn about things like this. I tend to be a bit stubborn myself about it, but when the pain starts twinging, I listen lol. I suffer from panic attacks and depression, too. But since I started working out...
  15. Chimera911


    Usually when the pain begins to effect my legs I just take it easy. It's not often, just when the weather's very bad and I over-exert myself. I hope I don't have to do anything drastic once I return to work though. :sad: