Recent content by CAOX3

  1. C

    How many codes make it?

    Who cares? Your job isn't to determine whats in the best interest of the healthcare system. Its about the wishes of the patient, if they choose to live on a vent for the rest of their life that's their decision, one that should have been thoroughly discussed beforehand. My job is to...
  2. C

    Why we cut clothes off

    I will cut clothes off, life threatening of course. I know providers who just want to use their scissors when the patient could have just removed the clothing for them. If they can take it off without exacerbating the injury, that's how I do it. And please don't ever let anyone cut off a down...
  3. C

    The division of labor between partners.

    Sorry but you need a new partner, the guy cant figure out where to park, what to do with the stretcher, cant find his way around the city, determine how to drive, or when emergent responce is neccesary, he isnt allowed to take vitals anymore, you need to re-check his cleaning....anything else...
  4. C

    Would this be inappropriate?

    I like it, you get a +1
  5. C

    Ped major trauma - Houston FD delayed EMS response?

    If I call 911 assume its an emergency and send an ambulance, sorry it isn't my fault your in financial disarray and attempting to save a nickel and dime because you cant balance a budget I pay me taxes. So send the ambulance or I'll see you in court. An the F'n outcome is irreverent, if you...
  6. C

    Seizure-Medication Bill Brings Relief in Calif.

    Ridiculous. Epileptic s seize rarely is it emergency, need medication administration , ER evaluation or an ambulance. Educate them in abnormal activity that would constitute those things, such as history, prolonged seizure activity or injuries thst may have been sustained during the...
  7. C

    IV or no IV?

    Considering the difference in cost from a BLS ride to ALS. Why would we not attempt to keep the cost down? If they dont need the line immediately they shouldnt get one especially since the ER is most likely going to pull it and put their own in and then charge the patient again. As far as...
  8. C

    5 responsibilities of an EMT

    I assist medics everyday with spelling, algebra, a boost on but mostly off their high horse, attitude adjustments, behavior modification...........and so on. So see its a team sport, and I'm all about the team.:)
  9. C

    Billing and 911

    Ok what was the complaint? The guy walked down stairs, walked into the truck, where is the justification for a BGL and a four lead heart monitor. I believe we should be reimbursed for services rendered but we really need to justify our practice, a guy stubs his toe and he gets charged for an...
  10. C

    What Are the Dispatchers Thinking?

    I dispatch at times, we don't EMD calls if a medical provider is on scene. EMD is designed to instruct bystanders. If you tell me your a nurse or an EMT that should remove you from any liability, they have identified themselves as a medical provider on scene, it isn't a dispatchers job to...
  11. C


    We actually administer oxygen to patients with migraines/cluster headaches with great sucess.
  12. C


    If its all that they require, thats what they recieve. I dont need to look busy to justify my existence, if all they require is a ride then thats what they get.
  13. C

    Possible CVA call

    Its probably sepsis but it could be a CVA, you made a call, stand by it. Dont sweat it, people will be second guessing you everday in this field.
  14. C

    Being a EMT after spinal fusion

    Ever yone will get on here and tell you, you shouldn't and you cant. The only way you will know is if you try, People overcome obstacles every day, people who shouldn't do, people who cant will. You may not be able to do this job, you might work thirty years in this profession, your the...
  15. C

    My gf is having our baby, should I deliver?

    I say marvel at your girlfriends amazing vagina topside and when she isn't pushing something the size of a pumpkin through it. I love vagina as much as the next guy, probably more but the image of a guy with a tool belt, a light on his head elbow deep in your girls amazing vagina is going to...