Recent content by arny81991

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    Stethoscopes for EMTs

    Amazon is a great place to look. Now that I'm home, I got the Littmann Lightweight II.
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    the 100% directionless thread

    How often do you guys respond to firework calls in the summer? :eek:
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    Stethoscopes for EMTs

    My brother took an EMT course through our old high school and his stethoscope was a POS. I got my Littmann just recently and was testing it out on some family members and it was so much better than his (I don't even know what brand it is, looks like crap). But I agree, go for something in the...
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    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    Hello, my name is Josh, I am based out of Grand Rapids, Michigan. I am going to Great Lakes EMS for EMT Basic training this fall. I finished college already and it wasn't what I thought it would be so I decided to go for a job I actually wanted (took long enough to figure out what I wanted to do).
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    Grand Rapids, MI Volunteer EMS/EMT Positions

    Do you know of any volunteer EMS / EMT positions in Grand Rapids, MI area?
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    The Good, The Bad, and The Badges

    I think there was a forum going for the same topic, but in regards to using the badge for access into areas and they couldn't get in without it (even with their actual ID). I personally, after reading everything would carry it in my wallet if I had it but yeah, no way am I giving a Pt assess to...
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    Forum has really slowed down eh?

    Honestly, at this time I am mainly just reading the "most interesting thing that happened on a call" forum. Otherwise, I haven't started my training yet and I am just slowly going through the education info as a good intro/dive into the EMT world.
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    Anxiety in the EMS Field

    I have anxiety as well and one of the best things that has helped me was control of my breathing. I did a martial art called Kendo (japanese swordfighting) and part of our training was breathing control. This helped focus the mind and allow you to make better decisions. Same is applied in...
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    Ever used a persons MyID bracelet?

    As the title implies, I was curious. I have a medical ID bracelet but after seeing a post in here for the iPhone medical ID feature, I was wondering if the same applies for the ID bracelet.
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    Did you work while in paramedic training?

    It isn't paramedic training but I will be going to EMT basic this fall while also working full-time at an insurance company and I am also in the process of getting married.