Recent content by Armor10

  1. Armor10

    Rule of Halves

    For us either one. We half the dose of Ketamine, and Etomidate. I understand because of the Hypotensive effects of Etomidate. The practice makes sense. I'm just wondering where this came from. We use evidence based medicine here. I'm looking for a study....something....Thanks for the help guys.
  2. Armor10

    Rule of Halves

    Hello all, I'm currently working for a system that uses (The Rule of Halves) for RSI. I have never heard of this. Essentially, if the Pt's GCS is <8 we half the dose of our induction agent. Problem is, I can't find any information, Study's, or basically anything on this. Is this good...
  3. Armor10

    Critical Care Paramedics in Qatar 98k

    "Frankly, I am just excited to work with Armor10 again, hes sort of like a paramedic demigod sent to the middle east to heal its citizens." Thanks Mate, I try.
  4. Armor10

    Critical Care Paramedics in Qatar 98k

    You have to remember where you are mate. Even though Qatar is coming along, and the legal system is slowly catching up, and it's still way more liberal than say Saudi Arabia. It is still against the law for unmarried men, and women to date etc. If your girlfriend became pregnant, you both can be...
  5. Armor10

    Critical Care Paramedics in Qatar 98k

    If you left in the first year, you would be out about 20k. That's just a rough estimate/Guess. Might be more, might be less. But no one says you have to take the furniture allowance. But be prepaired to eat out every night, and sleep on the floor until you can purchase your own bed, appliances...
  6. Armor10

    Critical Care Paramedics in Qatar 98k

    I agree, I'm going to start my Bachelors of Science this winter. I only have three terms with the bridge from my AAS. Every medic in the US could benefit from more schooling. Doug, I'm not sure where if any MICP is recognized anymore. CCEMTP and the FPC seems to be the latest and greatest. Both...
  7. Armor10

    Critical Care Paramedics in Qatar 98k

    But remember, if your a cookbook medic, only do something because the paper says so, then don't come. We have almost zero medical over site, and actually have our own medical practice (Independent remember).You have to be on the top of your game. You know the annoying medic at the station who...
  8. Armor10

    Critical Care Paramedics in Qatar 98k

    Ya, that's the problem then. You have to remember that to be a medic in almost all the rest of the world you need a BA. We're considered Independent Practicing Clinicians here. (Think PA who comes to your home.) Oregon is still the only state to require a Medic degree. I had to have a side by...
  9. Armor10

    Critical Care Paramedics in Qatar 98k

    I was told that you need a degree with two years of Medic experience. In the absence of a degree, you will need two or three years of documentable Critical Care experience. Either the FP-C, CCEMTP, or MICP. I got hired here with an AAS in Emergency Medicine. 8 years of Lead Paramedic Experience...
  10. Armor10

    Critical Care Paramedics in Qatar 98k

    Seriously? We need another 40 people. But we only higher US, Canadian, Australian, or South African Medics. I'm guessing your not from one of these places.
  11. Armor10

    Working in Qatar

    Ya, don't kill anyone. That goes double for VIP kids. Everything is a risk, but you're not going to get sued here. You'll get sent home.
  12. Armor10

    Working in Qatar

    There are Guidelines, but there just that guidelines. I'm following ACLS here, but they use a combination of The European Heart Council and ACLS. I just follow ACLS. We treat and release a lot, if the patient is stable we release to ground crew for transport to a health center or the A&E if...
  13. Armor10

    Working in Qatar

    No, were hired at that level. Thats why a degree, with the experience, and Critical Care experience is so important. The call volume is quite high. People here drive like crazy. You will see high speed rollovers every shift, and get at least a few RSI's a month. Not to mention with all the...
  14. Armor10

    Working in Qatar

    For the last year, I have been working as an Independent Practicing Clinician here in Doha, Qatar. Qatar is the country to get the World Cup in 2022. There is a huge push to develop the EMS system here. They need to recruit at least forty more medics at this time. Especially Oregon Medics who...
  15. Armor10

    Critical Care Paramedics in Qatar 98k

    Instead of "Polar opposite." I prefer "Really Cool Starwars Guy."