Hey. I’m trying to read this 6 lead ecg but it’s causing me and a few other mates some real confusion. Could i send it to you and you give it a go? Any issues or indication of anything?
I am a nurse, just completed my 3 years after my license was suspended due to DUI.
They told me I might have to through recertification process - a semester at Community College. Can I register for EMT course while my RN license is still inactive?
Replied to your post in Ed & Trng with a question. You said get your RN and then challenge NREMT-P. I didn't know it was still possible to challenge at all. I am currently in nursing school (still holding onto my NREMT) and would love to regain my P when I finish school. I was a NREMT-P back in the '80s. What can you tell me? Thanks.