Recent content by 2tonegator

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    Puckett EMS

    Anyone know much about them? I know they serve south Cobb.
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    DeKalb County GA AMR

    That sucks for the medics
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    DeKalb County GA AMR

    Do dekalb AMR emts get to tech or do they drive?
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    What AED/Monitor does your service use?

    Have LP12 moving to Zolls
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    DeKalb County GA AMR

    Do you think dekalb will stop transporting? I have heard multiple times that they were supposed to stop over the last couple years, but that never happened.
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    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    Think I was in the mid 70s
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    Anyone have any experience or know anything about them? Thoughts and concerns? Thanks.
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    Atlanta metro area

    What are considered some of the best ambulance companies in the metro Atlanta area. I have applied to basically everywhere, and have heard back from some. Just want to make sure I don't work for scum. Haha.