Beta CCP-C Test

I wonder when they are gonna give me my CCP-C number. Still says my test is approved on their website.
The good thing is I don't actually need it for anything right now. Just took it for fun.
The good thing is I don't actually need it for anything right now. Just took it for fun.
Same, but we've waited long enough.
Yep, got it today.
I would've thought more people had the cert. I'm surprised how low my number is. I guess everybody does that CCEMTP class thing instead?
I would've thought more people had the cert. I'm surprised how low my number is. I guess everybody does that CCEMTP class thing instead?
I’m guessing that this is even less sought after, especially these days.
I'm not surprised. Critical care transfers in ambulances aren't as sexy as helicopters and 911 calls. FP-C is also a catch all that I'm sure most people just went ahead and got.
I'm not surprised. Critical care transfers in ambulances aren't as sexy as helicopters and 911 calls. FP-C is also a catch all that I'm sure most people just went ahead and got.
Neither am I. If the UMBC got with the times and created an online version of their course it’d make for some straight up CE.
I'll have to double check, but I think UF does and I'd 100% use them again.
Creighton’s is the same. They offer an all online option. They also, as of a couple of years ago, offer CE apart from their course that’s mostly good for, and pertinent to the FP-C and CCP-C.
I ordered new nameplates for work, left the CCP off, already thinking I'll let that go in 4 years.

I don't get anything extra for it and I have to renew it out of pocket.
I ordered new nameplates for work, left the CCP off, already thinking I'll let that go in 4 years.

I don't get anything extra for it and I have to renew it out of pocket.
I plan on keeping mine. I get the reimbursement thing, but why not?
I let my NREMT lapsed and regretted it. I'll probably not let this lapse. Trying to get my NREMT back so I pick up shifts out of state.
I wouldn’t let it lapse. I took it on a whim myself as I already have my FP-C and no real need for it. All the same ceu’s that you need for FP-C apply. I get reimbursement, but is roughly $100/year that much of a burden in the grand scheme? (Not judging or inferring anything here). May not matter much not but who knows if maintaining will have a benefit in the future.
I was a sucker and bought one already. That one I got in the mail awhile ago. At our base, in the paramedic room, there is an FP-C patch hanging on the wall. I wanted to put the CCP-C one next to it so that's what I did.