Kern county peeps


Forum Lieutenant
what happened at Delano ambulance? There are a lot of negative reviews that just went up this month on I spoke to someone there briefly who did elaborate but it seems like there was a mass exodus recently.


Family Guy
Dunno, I don't work there. It looks like the reviews speak for themselves and are all subjective. The only thing I know is that our company has recently hired a handful of their former employees. Reach out to five different people, and I'm sure you'll get five different truths.


Has no idea what I'm doing.
On a different note what do you guys think will come of the exclusive operating service legal action?


Californian, Lost in Texas
Is liberty still around?


Family Guy
On a different note what do you guys think will come of the exclusive operating service legal action?
Honestly, it is the least of my worries or concerns these days. I have no real opinions regarding the matter.
I saw on the news that they want to open everything up again to bid
I don’t pay much attention to the news. I didn’t even know there was a news piece on it on the local stations until my nurse told me there was.

Our administrators give us updates on our Epro, and even then I don’t concern myself with it all that much. Whatever happens, happens.
Is liberty still around?
Yes, they still use our airship frequently.


Forum Deputy Chief
what happened at Delano ambulance? There are a lot of negative reviews that just went up this month on I spoke to someone there briefly who did elaborate but it seems like there was a mass exodus recently.
Something internal I'm sure. Last I heard they had 2 paramedics covering all shifts. It's been a slowly dying thing for a while.
On a different note what do you guys think will come of the exclusive operating service legal action?
I don't see it turning into much. The state will either lose (because a bunch of counties have EOAs without bids. Santa Barbara and Ventura come to mind) or the state will win, force a bid, and Kern County LEMSA will orchestrate a bid to keep the current contenders in their seats.

The current state of things in Kern County is nothing more than a media-fed vendetta against the owner of Hall Ambulance. Hall is really the best thing Kern County EMS has going for it, whether the people realize it or not.


Forum Lieutenant
As one of the former employees I can attest that the mass Exodus was initially caused by extremely poor working conditions that were exacerbated by demotion of our supervisors for no reason.

They were the glue that was holding the staff together, they truly cared for the emplyees. So they left and a ton of employees followed. Then the owner implimented tons of new rules to save him money but caused tons more work for staff.

Office workers treated field crews like garbage and very disrespectful.

Owner is disrespectful and agressive towards field crews.

Crucial equipment constantly out of stock and crews would be blamed and yelled at because we used that equipment ( sorry, the arrest really needed that epi though....)

New supervisor completely ruined the schedule and pissed off tons of employees who were already on they're wits end.

Some crew members were in the owners pocket and would "snitch" or tell lies on other employees to get their way.

Approximately 60% or more left all at once. I know there was a period there was only 2 medics for ALL shifts. Currently they're lucky to have 4 total.

The company HAS since improved their rigs, equipment and pay.... But it's far too little too late. They're at the level that hall was operating at 2 years ago.


Californian, Lost in Texas
I thought Hall was mostly-good, just needs some new monitors and the like?


Forum Lieutenant
No I think hall is a terrific company that pours money Into it's equipment, employees and everything rlse. I should have worked for them initially when they hired me but too late now.

Anyways, what I mean by the 2 years ago comment is that d.a.s. is still 2 years behind the curve now, even WITH their recent upgrades. Too little, too late.

Pay was rumored to be updated, but was told employees only make 11 an hour now. And emts STILL make 13 out of 24 hours worked.


Californian, Lost in Texas
Yeah I couldn't even begin to do that.


Forum Lieutenant
Not to mention new policies like;

Crews locked down to station and not allowed to go out for food due to owner wanting to save on gas! So imagine it's 2am, your an EMT who just ran a call ( that he wasn't getting paid for) and you wanna stop on the way back at a store and get snacks.... Not allowed!

Hope u bring a week's worth of food with you!

And crews being sent home upon arrival cause the new manager screwed up the schedule and u don't have a partner. Yeah, no floats or anything. No trying to get someone last minute cause there IS nobody. Oh, u commuted from FRESNO to get here?!?! Too bad! Buh bye, dont need u today!

Fitting 6 rigs into a parking lot originally meant for 3 because the owner wanted to save money and stopped paying for extra parking area. Have fun parking there! But he'll still park his 80k car in the ambulance bay too! So hope u don't touch that one, figure it out!


Forum Deputy Chief
I like the camper trailer parked out front. I jokingly asked a friend of mine who worked there if that's where the interns have to sleep. He laughed and said "I wish we got to sleep in that!"


Californian, Lost in Texas
If you're not getting paid for calls ran outside that 13-hour period, you really need to contact the labor board. It is literally illegal to not pay you for time spent awake and working on a call outside of that 13-hour period.

Also, if you really want change, blast Delano on social media. On Twitter, on Facebook, etc. Put the screws to him and make that 80K car note a rancid albatross around his neck.

If you're interested in working real EMS, Uhaul is a thing and there's lots of good places. Ever thought of Texas?