through who? fire? no it doesnt make a difference. i interned with fire and wasnt picked up for their single role, so itll sound nice to talk about in the interview but doesnt put you at an advantage for being hired. For the most part, companies out here just want you to have as open a schedule as possible.
Im not sure the min wage since i no longer work in sac, but i do know, AMR and Protrans make the most per hour for an EMT but only AMR does 911 (in yolo and placer)
then theres medic ambulance who also does "scene calls" and i think pay is around $12/hour. Medic HAD a terrible reputation as youre not a true medic employee until youve been fire then hired again, but i have a couple friends who work there and say its better now. (since they couldnt get anyone to work for them). Norcal I was told also does alot of scene calls, again, not sure on their pay for EMT but i think its around the $15/hr range and my friend who works there (as a medic) loves it. Stay away from SVA (TRUST ME) and the little wheel chair only transport companies.
Personally, for decent pay and lack of drama, I would pick falck over all of them. They have a medic rig so youll have the chance to do some ALS calls, though they arent busy (3 a day maybe, and A LOT of out of town (to the bay area) calls) and its a very laid back environment.
At the end of the day, apply for them all, and give whoever calls you back a shot. Dont be afraid to call their HR if you havent heard anything in a few days because some of these places wont give your app a second look unless you do.
let me know if you want more info. If i havent worked for a specific company i have friends who do and can try to get you the most up to date info. Its not as hard as you think to get hired, its moreso timing than anything.
take care