Community Rules Link Restored


Site Administrator
Community Leader
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As most of you know, earlier this month the forum was attacked. The plugin that caused the problems was the Rules plugin. When we disabled and removed the plugin from the system we lost the green Community Rules link found in the navigational bar. Since we frequently referred to this link in the forum, PMs, warnings/infractions, etc., we felt that it was important to restore it as soon as possible.

The link has now been restored and links to a copy of the rules which is part of the FAQ page.

If you know of anything that is missing or wrong please let me know.
Since we're messing with the toolbar, can you switch the locations of the pod cast and new post link? For what ever reason, my muscle memory is pushing my cursor to the pod cast link when I want to hit new posts.
Since we're messing with the toolbar, can you switch the locations of the pod cast and new post link? For what ever reason, my muscle memory is pushing my cursor to the pod cast link when I want to hit new posts.

Not at this time.
Since we're messing with the toolbar, can you switch the locations of the pod cast and new post link? For what ever reason, my muscle memory is pushing my cursor to the pod cast link when I want to hit new posts.


That's so funny the way your fingers remember where stuff is...

I'm cool with the change, though, if I must be, Chimpie. Thanks anyway. :)
You'll just have to adapt to the changes that have taken place.

Sent using the Tapatalk app!
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You'll just have to adapt to the changes that have taken place.

Sent using the Tapatalk app!

While we are on the topic of the nav-bar, you know Podcast is singular right?

We have 1 podcast which features multiple episodes, not many podcasts.
You'll just have to adapt to the changes that have taken place.

Sent using the Tapatalk app!
Are you saying that there is no alternative to this upgrade?

Are you saying that there is no alternative to this upgrade?

No, there's alternatives. I'm just letting you know that, at this time, I have no plans to make the change you are requesting.

If you'd like to discuss it further feel free to send me a PM.
While we are on the topic of the nav-bar, you know Podcast is singular right?

We have 1 podcast which features multiple episodes, not many podcasts.

No, there's alternatives. I'm just letting you know that, at this time, I have no plans to make the change you are requesting.

If you'd like to discuss it further feel free to send me a PM.

While, I'm serious (to an extent), that it would be nice to switch them, I believe you're taking me too seriously as far as the severity of the inconvenience this presents.

So only valid complaints will be addressed from now on? :)
While, I'm serious (to an extent), that it would be nice to switch them, I believe you're taking me too seriously as far as the severity of the inconvenience this presents.



Well, I guess I'll just keep opening that daggone podcast (singular) window until my brain locks it in. Should be right before that next big upgrade, if my internet luck is consistent.
So only valid complaints will be addressed from now on? :)

All complaints, suggestions, feedback are read and considered, even if it is turned down.

While, I'm serious (to an extent), that it would be nice to switch them, I believe you're taking me too seriously as far as the severity of the inconvenience this presents.

I never take you seriously. :) I keed, I keed. :P
All complaints, suggestions, feedback are read and considered, even if it is turned down.

I never take you seriously. :) I keed, I keed. :P

Probably oughta add me to the list of people you don't take seriously. I was kidding too.
Are you saying that there is no alternative to this upgrade?


I'm thinking I'm probably the only other person on this forum that fully gets this one lol ROFLOL
I'm thinking I'm probably the only other person on this forum that fully gets this one lol ROFLOL
I was originally going to go with the Borg, but that meme is old and tired. Besides, Cybermen > Borg. Actually, strike that, most of the Dr. Who villians > Star Trek villains. Seriously, let's put the Klingons up against the Daleks and see who wins. The newest generation of Daleks can travel through time and space.

Or hell, let's just let a Weeping Angel out on the Enterprise. Just one, and lets see what happens.
So can we change the toolbar?

Kidding kidding.
What was the joke about the duck and the bartender?

Duck and Bartender
A duck walks into a bar. He goes up to the bartender and says "Going to change the toolbar?" The bartender says "No" so the duck leaves. The duck comes back the
next day, goes up to the bartender, and says "Going to change the toolbar?" The bartender
says "No" so the duck leaves. The next day the duck comes back again. He goes
up to the bartender and says "Going to change the toolbar?"The bartender says "Look duck.
We didn't change the toolbar today, we didn't yesterday, and we
definitely won't change the toolbar tomorrow. If you come back in here and ask for
grapes again, I'm going to nail your webbed feet to the floor." So the duck
leaves. The duck comes back the next day, goes up to the bartender and asks
"Got any nails?" The bartender says "No." Then the duck says "Oh good. Going to change the toolbar?"

OOps missed the grapes.

So we're changing the tool bar, right?
