I have watched this thread and have held my tongue, but as a Registered Nurse, I feel it necessary to weigh in.
It is YOUR responsibility to know your scope of practice. You were already in trouble, don't try to blame everyone else for your actions. We see it here all the time on this forum, people come in with, "I hate my Partner" or "My Job sucks" when it is usually the individual in question that is the issue, but instead of looking at their own actions and asking if they are perhaps the problem, they choose to blame someone else.
When an MD orders something in an ER setting, it is up to the RN or another physician to delegate who does what. If the MD did not tell you specifically to start an IV, you wait until you are told or you ask someone if they would like you to start it. It seems to me like you were just itching to stick somebody, so instead of asking the RN (WHO YOU KNEW WOULD TELL YOU "NO"), you went ahead and "prepped" the patient. YOU ARE AT FAULT.
Also, your comment about, "As a nursing major, I couldn't stand working as a "dumbed down" tech who wasn't allowed to share and utilize what I knew."
Nursing major doesnt mean $h!t if you are working in the capacity of a tech. You are under the delusion that you being a nursing student actually means something with regard to your scope of practice. Son, you are not an RN until you take the NCLEX and you get your license. Don't get it twisted.
Don't start with the, "When Im on clinicals" BS either. The fact is at the time you were in the capacity as an "ER Tech", not an RN Student. I am a Nurse Practitioner student, but do you think I am going to try to write a prescription for my patient without a certificate of fitness?
I see your type in my practice every day. You think that because you are a nursing student that you are somehow better than the average tech or that you are magically given an extended scope of practice. Even when you finish your RN license, you are going to be under an RN for a year while being trained.
Bottom Line:
You were warned, you didn't listen. You got fired, and you deserved to be fired.
If you were a nursing student on clinical rotations with me in the trauma unit or the ICU, I would fail you for the day for that crap.