Personalized EMT/Paramedic bags!

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OK, listen... You posted this on a public forum, you can't get mad everytime you get responses you don't like, and for what it's worth, I read the thread twice and didn't see anything mean said about it. No one has criticized you for being pink ( and if they do they can get over it. I have pink shears and a pink O2 key.) Why would they need another career simply because they don't agree with you?

You need to learn in this field you will have people who don't agree with you, and you can't go off and tell them to get a new job because of it.

I have a $15 dollar backpack from Walmart that I carry all my "girly stuff" in, that is tampons, pads, midol, lipgloss, panties and bras, plus clipboard, a bajillion pens, advil, mini maglite, cell phone charger, a couple of things of tape that seem to hide in my pockets, laptop and whatever else I feel like lugging to work. I bought it last Saturday. I didn't start a thread to announce the purchase, I'm sorry you all missed out on this great information.

Congrats on your purchase, it's a cute bag.

I never once said anybody said anything MEAN!!
And yes I WILL TELL SOMEONE TO GET A NEW JOB, because I was told the same if I was a WHACKER!!!!

And I started this thread for others who might want to purchase a bag from this lady if they were interseted!!! NOT because I felt like people wanted to know I bought a :censored:ing BAG!!!

I respect others oppioions BUT they better respect MINE!!!!

By the way, I just asked a SIMPLE questions about if personal bags were useful!!! Get over IT!! I didnt point anyone out!!! I just let them know who I felt, just like they did me!!!

And Dont tell me I need to LEARN anything!! You don't know me!!
Again maybe you should read my post!!!
I am not HERE to judge!!! Neither should you!!!
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And Dont tell me I need to LEARN anything!! You don't know me!!
Again maybe you should read my post!!!
I am not HERE to judge!!! Neither should you!!!

You have a lot to learn if you think the way you responded to others not agreeing with you is appropriate. And yes, as someone who'se been in this field longer than you I can tell you you have a lot to learn, and so do I. Health Care is amazing and unique in the sense that there is always something to learn, whether it be in new medical developments or professionalism, which you may need to take a lesson in if this is the way you plan on dealing with conflicts at your new job (congrats on that, by the way.)

My post was not hostile towards you, simply helpful and explaining, so please calm down.

For those interested in purchasing a backpack similiar to mine, it can be found at any walmart in the tote bag and purse section. Embroidery not included, sorry! It can also be purchased here
You have a lot to learn if you think the way you responded to others not agreeing with you is appropriate. And yes, as someone who'se been in this field longer than you I can tell you you have a lot to learn, and so do I. Health Care is amazing and unique in the sense that there is always something to learn, whether it be in new medical developments or professionalism, which you may need to take a lesson in if this is the way you plan on dealing with conflicts at your new job (congrats on that, by the way.)

My post was not hostile towards you, simply helpful and explaining, so please calm down.

For those interested in purchasing a backpack similiar to mine, it can be found at any walmart in the tote bag and purse section. Embroidery not included, sorry! It can also be purchased here

Again!!! Judge me cause I have mine personalized!!
And I do believe you are putting words in my mouth!! Never said I knew it all!!! Don't know where you pulled that one out of!

And by "dealing with conflicts at your new job" this is a FORUM! I am not on the clock! I own my own buisness and do VERY well! I know how to be professional! Again, you can't judge me; you dont know me!!
It's hard to judge someones tone on the internet! So if you are truely trying to be sincere, I'm sorry!! If not...YOUR NOT WORTH IT to me!!!!
But I read all my post again and I didn't see anywhere where I was pointing anyone out! Just letting everyone know how I felt!!! Which is allowed on the forum...RIGHT!!! I guess not if we follow your rules!!
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Who said I was judging you?? I wasn't. I just think you need to calm down and realize people's opinions will differ from your own, especially when posted on a public forum with people from all walks of life, experience levels and educational background. I was doing you a favor by stating it nicely because I know some other members would not be so gentle. I don't think you're a bad person, nor was I insinuating you need to get out of EMS (although you feel comfortable to tell other people they should get out of it.). You've got a new bag, good for you, I'm just stating that you can't go off in a hmph! everytime someone disagrees with you or says something you don't like.
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TAMPONS!! Unless you guys want to see them laying out everywhere!

Meh... I have a sister and a mother. Trust me, your tampons won't be the first tampons that I see. I'm not saying don't use a bag, but tampons and pads aren't the horror you speak of.

As far as a bag, I think the conversation has gotten off track because of the shear number of people who want bags to be wackers. Oh, and girls can be wackers too. By all means, if it's a station bag, then go for it!
I counted 185 exclamation marks in 11 posts. CountryEMT, people will take you more seriously if you don't put like 6 exclamation marks after every sentence. besides that, cool bags, i'd get one if i had any money right now. unfortunately, i just finished buying xmas gifts for people, so i'm fresh out
I'll take overuse of punctuation over no punctuation every day of the week and twice of Tuesdays.

I think we all need to step back, take a deep breath, count to 90 by threes while contemplating the meaning of the number 42. No one's been attacking anyone, however the thread is currently moving in a direction like it has been.
(although you feel comfortable to tell other people they should get out of it.). You've got a new bag, good for you, I'm just stating that you can't go off in a hmph! everytime someone disagrees with you or says something you don't like.

Okay, really I am tired of explaining myself to you!! When I stated that, I was commenting on someone who said if you were in this buisness to become a whacker then you should find another job!!! Or maybr not that harsh...
And you were judging me.

Sasha said:
"Embroidery not included, sorry!"
Anyways....have a nice day! I'm really exhausted, and I agrue enough with my husbands to last me a lifetime!! I'm good!
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I counted 185 exclamation marks in 11 posts. CountryEMT, people will take you more seriously if you don't put like 6 exclamation marks after every sentence. besides that, cool bags, i'd get one if i had any money right now. unfortunately, i just finished buying xmas gifts for people, so i'm fresh out

I like them! But sorry if it bothers you!

I dont know if you live in the country!!! But when you show up to an old farmers house with PINK tools, and a PURPLE stock trailer! They really dont want to take you seriously!
And even if I didnt have all those things, showing up as a women is all it takes!!!
At least around here that is how it works!! Let me just through that out there so I don't get in trouble!!
Anyways, I apologize if I upset anyone!...over my duffel bag, my explanation marks, whatever else i could have possible said!
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I hope so! It was just a thread over a duffel bag I thought others might be interested in!
But now I know what to, and what not to post!! I think.....
Forums are so impersonal.....

Anyways, I apologize if I upset anyone!...over my duffel bag, my explanation marks, whatever else i could have possible said!

Try to remember that things sound different in writing. You don't have body language and facial expressions that are so important in communications. I know it is easier said than done, but try not to take anything said here personally even if it is.

At the end of the day, I don't give a darn what other people think. I only care what those who I care about think. Makes for a less stressful day! ;-D
I know, I almost got a little down. But then I remembered that I start my new job tomorrow. So back to reality I am!
Who's trolling in this thread?
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