mycrofft is on second life, no profit or sim.


Still crazy but elsewhere
Reaction score
I have set up an alt avatar in Second Life named mycrofft Holmeforth (last name a luck-out). Feel free to look me up or leave messages. This is not, not, NOT and invitation for folks to show up and start acting freaky, just another way for live chat with visual, sort of.

I can give some pointers on modifying your avatar, where to get free stuff (assuming you will use one of the free accounts from Linden Labs). There are many, ah, lascivious sections of Second Life, please don't try to make any little corner of it we might borrow (if we find one) into that sort of dreck.
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What is second life? Sorry as an old fart I can only imagine reincarnation, but since no death notice and your brief description I guess it's something else.
Here's the wikipedia entry

In a nutshell, you sign up, get some software, and an "avatar" which is a human figure you manipulate, sort of like a video game but much more sophisticated. You can change the appearance of your avatar (mine looks like me afer hours of twekaing and fooling around with it), most poeple choose something more appealing or fantastic than they appear in real life.

They have free accounts, but many things you can seek and get and use in SL cost. Then again, many are free.

University of Idaho and others have tried it as a training platform for emergency training. Difficult. Many people there to have anarchistic fun.
OK so much for that. Was it inappropriate?

Sort of highjacking the whole website? OOps, sorry!
OK last comment

If you are or will go onto SL, you can leave me a message , the avatar is named "mycrofft Holmeforth".
Sooo I tried it. I don't get it, and my created avatar looks like a 1950's ho down queen.
SL experiment: Sasha

See message I sent.
As I cautioned Sasha, Second Life (SL) is porbably a bad thing to get doing on a company computer, save it for your off time. Very demanding of the computer and not justifiable for work (yet).
I will check for message each morning and evening. I also suggest when/if you fill out a profile you include a plug for EMTLIFE, pay a little back with free advertising that way.
Ok. So I think I got it a little figured out but I'm really weirded out by the people there. One was a short little avatar that asked me to be her mommy.. Wtf???

and I saw boobs and man parts in one place. Good lord.
I met up with mycrofft and Sasha on there today. It's a pretty cool game. If you do play this, make sure you have a fast computer. It crashed mine more than once.
It's a little anarchic.

And, stay away from the "little kids".:unsure:
The difference between SL and a chat "room" is you add a visual element, through your choice of setting, avatar, clothes, gestures. If you ahve a mike and headphone or speakers, you can voice chat as well.
If you try this, turn off internet, and most other app. If you ahve dial up connection, forgetit.

Good "seeing" you Hotelco and sasha.

If you get onto SL, drop a visitor message to my profile here with your avatar's name in SL so we can find one another.
Despite my "adventures" with midgets and "children" it was pretty fun.

Hotel and I explored a bit once mycrofft signed off. We had a good laugh at some of the actions avatars could do. Like sitting on the dogs.
Hotel and I explored a bit once mycrofft signed off. We had a good laugh at some of the actions avatars could do. Like sitting on the dogs.

Only you and Hotel would try to sit on a dog...
I went on later and sat in a whale on NOAA site

Listened to their songs on the sound track.

Wait until you do a search about medical stuff. Almost as bad as googling "girscout" (yikes). There are some good resources
"in-world" as they call it.
And I have not sat upon a dog.
Me, HotelCo and Sapph on SecondLife! MEssing around.




Sapph had asked what would happen if your avatar took their clothes off..




And Hotel modeling off his hair.
This SecondLife thing is pretty fun. You should all come and join us.
(what have i done....what have i done....)

I keep searching "EMTLIFE" in SL and coming up dry.
I am feeling a little guilty about possibly diverting people off EMTLIFE. But SL is another medium to explore...certainly not as important as EMTLIFE per se.