Scared of Needles.

I HATE the sight of my own blood... it can, and has, made me woozy on the verge of syncope. But, seeing other peoples blood has the exact opposite effect.. I go "oh cool!'

SO, because of the blood aspect, I also hate needles inside of me. I remember a couple of years ago I went for a shot at the Drs office. I was looking away when the nurse felt it was a good time to jab me without warning, so I flinched. The needle was stuck inside of me and out of the plunger. Muscles tensed up so much that pulling the needle out took a while
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I HATE the sight of my own blood... it can, and has, made me woozy on the verge of syncope. But, seeing other peoples blood has the exact opposite effect.. I go "oh cool!'
welcome to the family!
Heh, I remember in EMT class when we had to watch and autopsy. Nothing in it bothered me until the stuck a needle in the eyes to get the vitreous humor. My God that was horrible.
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Heh, I remember in EMT class when he had to watch and autopsy. Nothing in it bothered me until the stuck a needle in the eyes to get the vitreous humor. My God that was horrible.

3 things i dont like in this world

1. clowns
2. dinosaurs
3. eye juice
Hey, don't let the little things discourage you. If this is something you really want to do, then you'll see through the little stuff. When I first became interested in EMS in High School, I had similar fears and similar doubts. You just gotta say "what the hell, let's do this!" If this is what you want to do, then just dive in. The rest will follow ;)

p.s.- I do feel that "weird" things like needles are just things you do get use to after awhile.
3 things i dont like in this world

1. clowns
2. dinosaurs
3. eye juice

There are only three things I hate in this world...

1. Nuclear War.
2. Firefighter/FR's who think they know more than me.
3. And the Bloody Dutch. ;)

okay, thing #4- LEO that show up 3 hours later, if they show at all
Hey, don't let the little things discourage you. If this is something you really want to do, then you'll see through the little stuff. When I first became interested in EMS in High School, I had similar fears and similar doubts. You just gotta say "what the hell, let's do this!" If this is what you want to do, then just dive in. The rest will follow ;)

p.s.- I do feel that "weird" things like needles are just things you do get use to after awhile.

Thanks for the great reply *ofLife,

It's funny how needles have become so scary. Is this something that we are naturally afraid of? Or is it just all the hype we create about them. Because they really aren't that bad, I mean they do help us in the end. (excluding some needles ;))
It's funny how needles have become so scary. Is this something that we are naturally afraid of? Or is it just all the hype we create about them. Because they really aren't that bad, I mean they do help us in the end. (excluding some needles ;))

Ha, Ha, Ha, that's what all the Doctors and Robot Aliens want you to believe. Sleep well, Minneola...
Needles seriously do not bother me. I guess I have a high pain threshold or something. I generally will volunteer to be the pincushion for new IV techs. Even let a fellow student start a 14 on me in class. Seriously, doesn't hurt and doesn't bother me.

However... I am a sympathetic retcher. If someone's puking, I start feeling those tremors in my own throat warning of impending vomitus. I have yet to actually puke on a call or in the ambulance.. but I've been very, very close a time or two.
I'm not scared of needles. I'm scared of the person wielding them! :P

Honestly, what's the worst that could happen to you? Other than embolisms, infections, diseases, allergic reactions, etc, etc? :unsure:

We stuck each other in our IV class and it was no big deal. I wasn't really excited about having a newbie stick me, but everything went smoothly, and I got my turn to stick. As long as you follow your training every time you should be fine.
I have huge veins that you can stick a 14 in with ease... the moment a nurse sees my veins, she starts flicking them and asking if the can poke it.

Every. Single. Day.
I have huge veins that you can stick a 14 in with ease... the moment a nurse sees my veins, she starts flicking them and asking if the can poke it.

Every. Single. Day.

or you can be as pale as i am, and you can see every vein with ease. it looks like some one dripped light blue paint down my arms. every time i need an IV:

Nurse: "Well, this will be easy!"

BEst time is when they tell me "We can't find your vein.."
