the 100% directionless thread

EVERY nurse should take an EMT-B class. This isn't WHERE i learned good cpr, but it was EMPHASIZED over and over and over. I just thought it was second nature to lock your arms out and use your bodyweight to compress...

more and more i hear stories of nurses who don't know how to do cpr. pretty pretty pretty sad.

I don't get it. We all go through the same CPR classes with the same guidelines... and no one can say "They don't do it enough" because this is the first time in 2 years I've ever done it!

Granted I also have ACLS and PALS, but honestly those certs don't make you better at pushing on a chest.

Anyhow, little advice to people. If you are involved in an MVC and run, don't tell the police the car was stolen 5 minutes before the accident, and not make a police report of a stolen vehicle...and not change your clothes...
I'm glad for you. However, my day just went all to heck, I just went to get the mail and received a notice that my application had been turned down by the Pacific Northwest Interagency Incident Medical Specialist program. There goes my summer job................................:angry:

I could cry.

geez that sucks.....
My partner is cooking steak with grilled zucchini and squash...YUMMY!!!
Watching PBR that was in Dallas last week.

Next weekend I'm going to Tuff Hedeman's Bull Riding Championship Challange in Ft. Worth. :P
Am laid up in my chair in the living room watching my honey make dinner and take care of our son since it was his bunker gear I tripped over causing me to twist my ankle.
I don't get it. We all go through the same CPR classes with the same guidelines... and no one can say "They don't do it enough" because this is the first time in 2 years I've ever done it!

Granted I also have ACLS and PALS, but honestly those certs don't make you better at pushing on a chest.

Anyhow, little advice to people. If you are involved in an MVC and run, don't tell the police the car was stolen 5 minutes before the accident, and not make a police report of a stolen vehicle...and not change your clothes...

You see the emphasis on the experience the nurse gets in the hospital is somewhat misleading. Sure they take care of 5-6-7-8... patients for 12 hours, but there is very little to no emergency procedure exposure. The hospitals all have Critical Response Teams, Code Blue teams and they really really try to limit the possibility of a code blue on any floor except the unit, or the ED. Even if one happens the teams that I mentioned, come running in and swoop down and take the patient away from you. So really what you have is just someone who busts their asses, gets :censored::censored::censored::censored: on all day and then when something exciting happens... they have to sit back and give reports to the rockstars who come and "save the day." Pretty sad and

results in nurses who don't know what good cpr is. If you are working with an RN from a nursing home... they aren't in patient care mode. They are the supervisor who manages a team of LVNs, who all ignorantly abuse their patients. Yah i said it. LVNs do nothing for their long term care patients but give them bedsores and UTIs, then they call the ambulance when someone gets sick.

Nursing is an EFFed up world. All you medics who are getting that RN, just remember I warned you.
had a crazy day all my crap done and called in for additional crews in the mean time. couldnt get any better....oh wait i would like my 60 degree weather to come back then it would be just perfect. have a wonderful night everyone!
I get to go take my fuzzball to get fixed tomorrow. He's gonna hate me for a few days
just spent $310 on getting my dog some digital xrays and a 400 cc fluid bolus. Effing mutt ate half a bag of dog food and had a hard bloated belly. I couldn't tell if she was dry heaving because she had a rawhide stuck in her somewhere or if she had gotten into something bad. Turns out she just ate 3 days worth of food and really nothing was wrong with her.

I noticed that she didnt want to eat dinner, which is atypical for her. then i noticed her hard distended abdomen and took her to the after hours emergency vet.

It was ME that was supposed to have a $300 meal at Uchi (badass sushi bar) tonight... instead the freakin dog took a $30 bag of food and turned it into a $310 dollar meal.
Alright......wish me luck. And if you are the praying type, one of those would be greatly appreciated as well. Tomorrow at 0930 I will be taking my final exam for my Fire Service Administration and Management class. And they said testing takes four hours.........I have no idea what to expect.
I get to go take my fuzzball to get fixed tomorrow. He's gonna hate me for a few days

I got mine fixed a month or so ago... he had the hardest time getting used to the cone but it would crack us up.

He'd run in to a corner, stagger back, then run forward again as if nothing ever happened!
I got mine fixed a month or so ago... he had the hardest time getting used to the cone but it would crack us up.

He'd run in to a corner, stagger back, then run forward again as if nothing ever happened!

My dog just stood. And stared. It was hilarious seeing him try to eat though.
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