Your first EMT-B job was...

Carlos Danger

Forum Deputy Chief
Premium Member
Busy, private urban 911
2008: Security Officer/EMT
2013: BLS EMT
2014: ALS EMT


Forum Ride Along
Got my EMT cert on 8/10/15. Turned down an offer for a private IFT company in Los Angeles about 2 weeks ago as it is 80 miles away from where I live. The money/shifts just wasn't worth the 160 mile daily commute, sitting in 2+ hours of traffic each way, and probably only getting an average of 4 hours of sleep a night for a company that doesn't do 911 calls.

Also just turned down an offer from a smaller private IFT company that is only 20 miles away this past Tuesday. For some reason I just didn't get a good vibe from that company. Interview was less than 10 minutes and the interviewer said I was in the top 3 out of the 19 people he interviewed. Didn't really ask me much so that statement didn't sit well with me. Think they are just looking for bodies. Applied for an EMT position but was informed I would have to start as a transport driver first; then if I did well in that position I would move up into an EMT position. Uh, no thanks.

Thankfully I just accepted a position with another private IFT company that is only 30 miles away that called this past Tuesday morning. I'm set to start on 10/20/15. I like this company the best so far.

And wouldn't you know it, once I accepted the position, I got called to interview with a local level 1 trauma hospital for an ER Tech position on Monday (10/19/15). If I get the job there, I'll be quitting the IFT job even before I start. The hospital position pays double what the IFT company is paying (a plus), is 12 hour shifts (which I want), tons of overtime (a big plus), and is in the ER (what I have been wishing for ever since my ER clinicals). The ER Tech position will allow me time to get my pre-req science classes for P.A. School completed; something I wouldn't be able to do all that well while working at the IFT company.

Never really wanted to work for an ambulance company anyways, so I'm really surprised and excited that the hospital called. Didn't even apply, just had a friend drop of a resume for back in Auguest to the hiring manager. My friends keep saying I'll get the position with the hospital, but I'm going to wait and see and keep the IFT company as a fallback just in case I don't get it.