You work in MN? (MSP area if possible?)


Forum Crew Member

I am an EMT student (have two or three weeks left of class) Anyways about all the experience I have had so far is my 6 hours of clinical at Regions (which I loved)

While I love learning the stuff and practicing skills there is still no teacher like experience.

So I have been trying to get a ride a long or volunteer somewhere (anywhere) And have either been told they don't do ride alongs (my local FD), they arent doing anything of the sort for a few months (by a few places), and the few hospitals I talked to (on the phone, email, and/or walking in) basically gave me a phone number and I would get transferred like 10 times reaching no body who knew anything.... (Got to love bureaucracy sometimes hehe) :rolleyes::lol:

Anyways was wondering if any of you MN mates would mind a student hanging out (could be in a capacity of observation or whatever you see fit) I wouldnt mind providing some lunch (or taking you out to coffee) food... etc

Anyways thought it was worth a shot asking on here :)

I love this site while there are some straight up hilarious things on here I am also able to learn lots ;)

Thanks again guys :)


Forum Crew Member
I see I am going to have to become a patient to get a ride along



Forum Lieutenant
Hennepin County Medical Center EMS might have openings for a ride-along, but it's observation only.


Forum Crew Member
I have been scouting out Hen. County (moving a block a way from it in two weeks) would be so awesome to be able to have a 2-5 min walk to work (even walking is awesome! always been a 15-35 min drive for me...)

Unfortunately last time I was poking around County I was given the ring around... Went in search of the HR... First I was given wrong directions then I found a sign/map found the building and then was told the sign was wrong... so a kind person then directed me to the correct building.

Then the HR person had absolutely no idea who I would want to be in contact with... so she gave me the phone number for the ED.. Called them. Then they transferred me to the education department, who transferred me to someone else, who transferred me, and then was in turn transferred to someone else (no idea who) who did not answer and never returned my call....

This has been my experience with every hospital I have visited. (trying to do ride alongs or more ER clinicals/observation)
The secretaries and HR people never seem to have a clue who to talk. They still give me numbers, but when I call I will get transferred many times till I get someone who does not answer. :unsure:

Any emails I send I dont really hear back from...
And some of the hospitals I talked to have no idea who their EMS people are :rolleyes: (ok one but still you would think the secretory might have an idea)

The few fire places I have talked to either aren't doing them right now or will not do them....

As I have no close friends in EMS (only an uncle who lives south of the city who is a volly at FD)


Guess I really need to become a patient so I can meet some EMS people :rofl:

PS: if anyone knows anybody at Hen. County that would be really cool really want to get a job there in the near future.. Would be absolutely happy to be an ERT as I love working in the ER. Although eventually would like to be on the field, but working in the ER seems like a great way to get my feet wet, learn a lot, and see a lot of action. Not sure if Hen. County is the same way, but I was amazed at the ER at Regions how kind everyone was and how much they were teaching each other... The doctors and nurses were constantly teaching each other stuff, how to recognize things etc... (Which is really great to see)
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Forum Lieutenant
Hennepin County Medical Center EMS allows ride-alongs. Observational only. And HCMC EMS is paramedic only.

From reading your post, I'm a bit confused if you're looking to ride as an observer, volunteer, or get hired. That may be why you're having difficulty in getting anywhere. In many large organizations, the people responsible for each of these roles are quite different. Pick the thing you want to do the most and find out who you need to talk to for that.


Forum Captain
Have you tried HealthEast? They're very education oriented.

Another option if you don't mind the drive would be Mayo Clinic Gold Cross. It's about 1.5 hrs from you, but they also have ops in Austin, Owatonna, and a few other small towns.


Forum Asst. Chief
Premium Member
Have you tried North Memorial? I think the ambulance service is HQ'd in Brooklyn Park?


Forum Asst. Chief
Rugrat, It is very hard to get ride alongs in the Metro area if you did not go to a school that has the contacts and contracts.

I think you would have better luck applying for a job at Allina Health, North, Health East as an EMT for BLS or wheelchair van. I would take any job they offer to get in the door. I think you will quicly figure out if medical transportation is for you.


Forum Crew Member
Ok good to know thanks..

Well ultimately looking to get hired...

Until then I would like to try to get some experience.

I actually just put in an a volly application in last night.

The Mayo is like an hour maybe 40 mins from where I will be so its an option. I will check that out as well as North Memorial.

Wish I would have known that sooner. Just off of the cuff applied for a program called Allied Medical training. (had been wanting to for a while, but didnt have the time until this summer)

The school is pretty new (maybe 3 years old) and so far the only thing they have setup for students is the 6 hours at regions (better than nothing) They want to have more with other services and hospitals but dont yet.

Thankfully the instructors are very good and they know their stuff. They are very experienced and the school has a very high success rate... but thats just for a test... Ultimately experience is the teacher.
Thanks for the info I wll check into those places.

Thanks for the info :)