Facebook = Unnecessary Liability
I'm currently working as an MA for a hospital's medical group. I work in Peds, and I'm constantly delighted by the just amazing things that the kids say. I think they are some of the most entertaining conversations I've ever had.
I made the mistake of stating on Facebook that I had purchased some cookies from a patient so he could go to camp, and how I was a sucker for his lisp. Several rounds of "OMG HOW CUTE!" and "Likes" later, I thought everything was hunky dory.
A week later I was sitting before my boss and HR reps who wanted my *** to be charred and served on a platter before their very eyes. Despite the fact that I had a goofy made-up Facebook name, and a private page- someone, somehow decided it was time to eff with the Medical Assistant and did me the favor of screen capturing my page and typing up a formal letter of complaint.
You see, to my superiors, obviously there are a very limited amount of boyscouts selling cookies in our area, and anyone could have identified the patient putting them at risk!
It was my first (and hopefully last) write-up ever at any job, and I've been working full time since I was 15.
LSS? Facebook is great for inviting people to parties and checking out pictures- but most people are willing to use any other of the million channels available to them if they want to get in touch. I say forget it.