Working together?


Forum Ride Along
I am taking an online class to finish up my BS degree and would really like some imput on how others feel about this. From your experience or observations, how well do agencies in the area of emergency response work together? Consider the past, present and what direction the future will be. Thanks so much!


Still crazy but elsewhere
Hi, so what is your degree in?

OK, see my other posts for where I'm coming from. I do NOT work on the street or in an ED/ER, I have dealings with our local FDn and private EM Services providers both as a "consumer" and also as a member of the FD's C.E.R.T.

PRIVATE AMBULANCE: not as emergency oriented as the fire para's. Younger, smug hot-dogs.
FIRE PARAMEDICS/AMBULANCE: Quick, businesslike but with a sense of humor. They humor us as well as taking us as seriously as they can (sometimes it is hard).
EMERGENCY DEPARTMENTS: my contact with them lately has been to advise them we are sending them a pt, or to try to get patient documentation from them. They vary; some are smug and not cooperative, some are very professionally cooperative, and some send us back patients without any documentaion at all except the basic stuff sent home with any pt.
JAIL HEALTH SERVICES (my end): try to start ACLS measures inappropriately, spotty on passing on patient info, some nurses regard ambulances as just a means to get the pt out of there. Sometimes we do well/good, but we can do better. ED's treat us as a joke in many cases.

You may want to look into how American Red Cross interacts with others in disaster areas.
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Private ambulance: While there was always some joking around and jabs at other companies, I've never had any negative experiences when I interacted with crews from other companies. It never seemed like anyone was "competing" for transports.