I believe there are a few oil companies abroad who hire EMT-Bs from time to time, but I believe the majority of the clinical staff are medics. I guess that this really doesn't help all too much considering it is rather rare to get hired on an oil rig with anything less than a medic cert.
I personally know someone who is a medic for one of these oil companies outside of Venezuela. Although I could not tell you his salary, I can imagine that it would be far more than most places would pay stateside. He said that they rotate between 6 weeks on the rig and 6 weeks off, and most of his job entails injury prevention more so than actual injuries.
Anyways, back on topic... If I remember correctly, I did have someone from Texas A&M tell me that there are a few Caribbean governments that were looking for EMT-Bs with experience for government funded organizations. One such organization was called something along the lines of the National Emergency Task Force of St. Lucia. I wish I had more information for you, but I never really looked into it any further.