Worked my first shift as a medic


I see dead people
Reaction score
Granted, I was precepting, so I wasn't 100% on my own. We only had two ALS runs, and both were pretty straight forward.

The first one was a GI bleed that was hemodynamically stable and had a very long history. She is currently awaiting a transplant, has a history of seizures, a g-tube, a duel lumen access port (not sure exactly what type it was), and lots of other stuff. I put her on high flow oxygen, dexed her due to a possible syncopal episode prior to our arrival, and put her on the monitor. Other than that, I just monitored her condition for any changes until we got to the ER.

The second run was an 8yo girl that fell off the monkey bars and fractured her arm. There was obvious deformity, and she didn't want us anywhere near that arm. After getting her medical history from the school nurse, I was able to give her some fentanyl. We then splinted the arm and transported.

All in all, a pretty good start.
sniff... sniff.. Just to think, we remember when she was just a little basic; look how fast they grow up. :D

R/r 911
What you din't kill anyone? How can you call yourself a medic?

J/K, Glad you had a good first day!
Yea!!!! Epido!!!:)

IN or IV Fentanyl? loved the IN, wish we had Fentanyl out here, much less IN
What you din't kill anyone? How can you call yourself a medic?
J/K, Glad you had a good first day!

Give her time.
I managed to "kill" 6-8 during class, does that count for anything?

john, it was IN. She was really cute when I explained to her how I was going to give it to her. She told me she didn't want it that way because she had "nose allergies." After being told that the only other way I could do it would be to stick a needle in the arm that wasn't hurt she promptly said, "You can do it in my nose!" She was a little champ too, following directions and breathing in when I asked her too. Once it kicked in, I could have drug her around by her toes and I don't think she would have cared. It hit her pretty hard.
Congrats and lucky you. I still remember my first medic call on my own...nonresponsive that turned into full arrest at one of our not so high quality nursing homes. The gentleman had aspirated his oatmeal, of all things. I think the entire bowl was in his lungs, his throat, bubbling in his mouth, clogging the the suction, the et tube...

I hate oatmeal....
good job, i bet you felt good about the monkey bar call.
Congrats and lucky you. I still remember my first medic call on my own...nonresponsive that turned into full arrest at one of our not so high quality nursing homes. The gentleman had aspirated his oatmeal, of all things. I think the entire bowl was in his lungs, his throat, bubbling in his mouth, clogging the the suction, the et tube...

I hate oatmeal....

Try Hashbrowns!!! Hell to suction out!