Women: What pants are you wearing?

I was surfing Galls, when I noticed this posting for womens EMS pants

Female EMS pants on clearance

Just thought that that I would throw that our there for you. Hope it helps
I personally wear, and love the 5.11 mens pants. I'm what is considered "voluptuous", and am rather curvy. I find the womens pants are a bit too form fitting for my taste. I prefer not to have my curves on display while on shift, and the mens pants hang straighter off the hip.

5.11 also makes womens pants, so you have some options with them. I like the 5.11 brand because they are heavy duty, fairly resistant to staining, and the number/design of the pockets is the most user friendly I've seen in an EMS pant. They also have removeable knee pads you can wear which are handy if you kneel a lot.
I have an EMT friend of mine who is a short chunky gal and wonders what pants would be best for her?