Who wears knee-pads?

What solution do you think works best? I am just thinking if you are assessing pt's, that you often be on your knees. Now if you are in a yard or house or such, I guess its not a big deal. But being on your knees alot on highways and roads, I think would lead to some pain. Maybe you just grin and bear it, since you certainly would be on them for more than 5-10 minutes I guess.

Solution to what? I am not often on my knees with a patient. On highways and sides of roads, I am wearing bunker gear which is heavily padded on the knees. I've also put down a towel or blanket to lean on if needed.

Trying to anticipate all possible inconveniences that might arise is pointless. What we do will always have interesting situations unique to that call. It generally calls for improvisation on the spot, not pre-planning.
I guess the best thing for you is to just wait and see how it goes once you get on the road. If you find yourself kneeling a lot, then by all means you should look into getting some sort of knee pad. But, like I said, I'd wait til you actually run calls. It would be a shame to go out and buy something that you might end up never using.