Who inspired you?

Yup I am a Nerd

Ok, so I often think back to the time when I really wanted to get into medicine and it all started on Star Trek with Dr. McCoy. I am not sure why I found him interesting, but he inspired me to want to learn about science and medicine. Well, then I found EMS and was hooked. *Raises fist to heaven...Darn you Adrenalin*. Anyway, that was 26 years ago. I am still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up, but for now this EMS thing will do. haha:P:P
I don't think I know what I want to do when I grow up either. :P I imagine the stress of EMS won't be so appealing in twenty or thirty years.

well thats a whole lot of information for your fourth post.....
I don't know if it's intentional or not, but you're starting to make me feel rather...unwelcome.
I don't know if it's intentional or not, but you're starting to make me feel rather...unwelcome.

no not at all. what i meant was when i meet some one, i reserve the more intimate details of my past until i know them. leading with i had a problem with drinking/drugs, joined the army, quit right after they spent the time and money training me and was subsequently discharged(under what has to be other than honorable conditions) and now want to be an emt is a rather forward approach. thats all i meant.

but, while we're having a touchy feely convo, anybody here will tell you im a straight shooter. i dont sugar coat or molly coddle. you'll get my for real no bs opinion everytime. i understand some people dont like that style, but i am who i am and i dont make apologies for that.
Nephemera, feelings is feelings, but you're welcome here!

I think my third post was described as "a blog".
"So be it" I think I said...and added another ellipsis.
I know what I want to be when I grow up... A Child! Tom Robbins said it best.. "It's never too late to have a happy childhood!"
Over the years ,Having spoken with different EMT's , I find that there are as many different reasons that we became EMTs as there are EMTs. I am interested in knowing your inspiration. For Example: Both my mother's brothers served as Army Medics during Korea. So I trained as a Hospital Corpsman in the Navy. So my Uncles inspired me to be an EMT. Your turn!

I started out doing journalistic work, writing for our post newspaper while over seas, doing articles in the paper etc. so I was certainly not on the medical road.

Then, when my Gram was in a coma in the hospital and my aunt was willing to put her mom in a nursing home or SNF it hit me that I would NEVER put any of my family in any institution and started on the road to be a CNA, went into hospice care as a 20 year old.

Fast foreward...moved to VA and loved the state and wanted to do something different other than wiping butts, noses, and taking crap from other aides and nurses so I took an EMT class. Got very lucky to work with a paramedic that really drove you to be the very best and think outside the box and had instructors who taught us to take pride in what we do. I see what I can become and want to be the best so if any of my remaining family needs me, I am there for them so they can pass in peace and in familiar surroundings.

So in a nutshell, for my family and close friends.
My dad told me stories of his days as an EMT to "scare" me into being a good driver... I started listening to the stories for the medical info vs. the getting scared part. Had a free summer and took EMT class, enrolled in medic class that fall.