When I'm wearing my LEO uniform, I definitely feel like more of a bad motherSHUTYOURMOUTH! The whole process of putting on the ballistic, the duty belt, blousing the pants over the boots, checking my service weapon, helps to take me from my offduty civilian mentality to on duty enforcement
As an EMT I dont have this same experience, my medical knowledge gives me all the confidence I need to operate effectively, paid or volley. I know that I am one of the most educated providers regardless of my post-nomials because I know the work I do in my own time, reading studies and new science in the field. Some say I come off as cocky, but I have received enough complements from other providers to know that what I am doing to educate myself is making me a better provider.
For EMS, a uniform is more about appearing professional in the initial contact. Then it is based on the manner of patient care and how you provide interventions. The uniform serves a different purpose for EMS then it does for LE, as they are a attempting to impart a different psychological effect on the people they come in contact with
Around here EMS wears navy blue, while the PDs wear light blue, black/tactical gear, grey or french blue,I can't think of a PD that wears navy.