Which school is better to take my paramedic program at in the Bay Area?


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Hey guys, I've been thinking about which school I should apply to for my paramedic license. I've got a few in mind but I'm not sure which one is more informative and thorough with their teaching. Can anyone help me and give me some input about the school they went to here in the bay area? The schools that I've been thinking about is listed below.


Thats all I got in mind, I don't know if there's other school out there that provides paramedic program, but if do, please list them for me? And also provide me some info about them, if their a good school that's informative with their teachings.

Thank you for reading!
Foothill has the best rep in the field by far. The internships in Fresno are quiet the eye-opener.

Westmed known for churning out students who then have trouble finding jobs (work with several of them moonlighting and doing transports as emt-bs) :( . Although I have no 1st hand experience with them, have heard things from middling to bad about the program (poorly managed, old equipment, funding issues...).

Chabot haven't heard much about it however imo any school that's affiliated with a Community College or a JC is going to be seen as more credible.

City College in SF is also a GREAT option! They'll have a test for the Jan '12 class this fall if you want to get on the list to take the test....
Years ago, of that list, Foothill by far was the better way to go. Fresno... is an interesting place to learn.
Thanks for the reply, I know foothill college takes a while to get into since I haven't taken any ore-requisites for them. I also heard of EMSTI in Fremont and it's cheaper than other programs. Plus it's counted towards my CE so that I can get a degree in college. Anyone heard about that? And I'll steer clear from Westmed. Thanks!!