Which EMTLIFE monikers already listed are really cute, clever, or otherwise good?


Still crazy but elsewhere
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I think we can cite GOOD ones without hurting anyone's ego. Don't make one up, I assume if it was so great you'd be using it already.:cool:
See COMMUNITY LINKS section for members' monikers.

ANd is there an official or better term than "moniker"? "Nom de EMTLIFE"? etc?
Sasha. My name is the best name.
Trademark it yet?
There are lots, but so many are clever because of the avatar next to it....
Im pretty fond of Anjel1030
Well, I'm pretty cute...but other than that, I guess I would say "the negro puppy".
I vote bigbaldguy for the win.
No short supply of narcissists in EMS is there?

Well, I think we all chose what moniker we thought would be best for us. For me, Critter was my nickname when I was very little. Nurse is what I am for the critters now.
I really don't like -mom names. I wish I had something clever or cute.

Oh well.