Where to get free CEUs to re-certify a Florida EMT certification


Forum Probie
Little background information on me to start.

I was injured back in May 2010. The flexor tendons that allowed my middle finger to flex were lacerated completely. Because I wasn’t working, nor did I have insurance I wasn’t able to have the surgery needed to correct it.

In August and September of 2011 Vocational Rehab paid for the two surgeries to try and repair the tendons that were lacerated. They removed a tendon from my ring finger of the same hand and replaced one of the lacerated tendons in my middle finger. Unfortunately the surgeries were not successful in restoring my middle finger to a useable condition.

With this injury, I no longer have the strength to lift like I once did, nor am I as dexterous as I once was. So I figured I would just let my EMT certification lapse because I wasn’t going to be able to find a job as an EMT.

This past June, I finally landed a job at a theme park here in Florida. I have been in contact with the First Aid office of the park on several occasions and they are interested in me transferring to their division. They would like me to be an EMT for them. Never did I think that would happen in a million years… lol.

My dilemma is that my certification is up December 1 of this year. Florida is a state that when your cert lapses you have to take the whole course over again. I really do not want to do that considering I do not think that the college will allow me to take a course that I have already successfully passed (I have experience with this and another class that I successfully passed that I wanted to take again).

There are no refresher courses coming up in my area that I can see and I couldn’t afford them anyway. I only make just above minimum wage at my job and I only work 30 hours a week. I also have a pregnant wife and we’re getting ready to have our first child in November after waiting/trying two years. Getting this EMT position would mean better pay.

After going to Florida’s website and looking through the list of providers, most of them are either not showing any courses, are membership based or expensive for single courses or offering single courses and are expensive. I need to get 32 CEUs. Two of those is a HIV/AIDS course.

Does anyone know of any free courses online like what FEMA provides? I know that FEMA’s courses are only credited at .3 CEUs, so that’s not going to get me anywhere close to what I need.