When is it appropriate to call an ambulance?

My best advice for that is to sign up for the class at least every year, if it is available. The more you practice, the more it get stored in the back of the brain, and recall will be automatic when it is needed.

When I was a lifeguard I took CPR every six months... I used to have several valid CPR cards at the same time because of this, but you know what, when I needed it, there it was, ready to go.

Good luck with all of this, it is great that your company has a program at all, most of my clients do not, but it could definitely make a difference.

you would be amazed at how quick people can retain the information.. If you guys are taught Guidelines it saves those of us running calls VALUABLE time and can save a life.. There are many that do in fact use us as a personal Limo. I wont forget this one call the second I ever had in my entire life...

We had an MVA we were called on which was common practice and fine Now upon arrival it was 2 vehicles in one passenger car it was a couple early 20s in the car that rear ended them A woman early thirties...Richland County FD as well as Sheriffs were on standby we arrive...

I unload the stretcher and begin to Wheel it over when the Para Im with finds out the Woman doesnt wanna be transported... we have her sign and we get ready to head to another call a bit more severe when we are flagged down Apparantly she found out she was getting a ticket and thought us taking her would get her out of it....

We head back, I get the stretcher out shs complaining of Severe pains and numbness down Left leg (there wasnt even a scratch on the car) THIS is a case of wasting an EMTs time we could have been at the serious of the two accidents...we had to send another unit I was Ticked....so gee "Trauma" cspine,collar board...and to better do it when I check breathing during assessment.....theres weezing..when she opened her mouth toe breathe as I asked.. Nada...amazing what threatening Intubation will do to a faker..

Cases like this where you say no then use us as an excuse to get out of tickets (I did tell richland where we were taking her to be courteous to them she did get her ticket)

Cases where you have a headache or are drunk call a taxi

Teaching a CPR course to an office and first aid will do wonders small things YOU can assess that will save us time or help you determine when its okay to call or not.....