What would be your best advice?


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Okay everyone I should first start off by saying I am a firefighter currently enrolled in EMT/AEMT school. I have about 7 months left in school and I been on the job as a firefighter for about a year now. When I first started the job I enjoyed running the calls and loved helping patients in the EMS side. When school started I just started to grow to like it more due to the reason of me being pretty good at the field. Well heres my dilemma, just recently we got dispatched to a call for a cardiac arrest. When we arrived on scene me and the crew started CPR. I was in control of bagging the patient while helping my crew load the patient onto the long backboard as well. When we went to lift the patient onto the backboard and bring him to the stretcher, I was still bagging him. When we squeezed through the doorway his hand swept off the backboard and hit my forearm while I was still bagging him. I had blood on my forearm and it was at that moment that I had my first blood exposure and I never knew how I would be able to handle it other then thinking I would be fine. Well at first I just took sanitation wipes and wiped it off until I arrived at the hospital to pick up my partner and washed my hands there. Till this day (its been 2 weeks) I don't know the guys medical history other then he had cancer & COPD. I had no cuts on my forearm but it was still making me worried and till this day I am still worried cause of my biggest fear of HIV & Hepatitis. Yesterday I went to the doctor for my TB, Hep A & B vaccines but Still terribly worried and nervous about HIV and Hep C. For the past 4 days I been thinking to myself if this is the right field for me and if I can handle this kind of stuff for 15+ years. I don't think I can but I can't just leave a career at 22 years old. I just honestly do not know what to do or where to go cause I know this is going to be an on going dilemma with me worrying non stop. I might be an over worrier or hypochondriac cause the past 3 days I been really worrying and causing myself to have "fake" symptoms. Any advice? Thanks everyone
Your skin is a pretty effective barrier device. If you didn't have any open cuts, didn't get it in your mouth, nose, eyes, or any other oriface, you are more than likely fine. Even if he did have HIV, Hep C, and Ebola, you're still probably fine. I've had blood on me plenty of times. Wipe it off with Sani Wipes, finish the call, wash thoroughly with soap and hot water, and go on about your day. If you have cuts, they should be well covered before you come to work.
Don't over think it. Go get tested in the right time frame for anything to possibly show up, follow your docs directions, and go back to enjoying your job.
Did you have a huge lac on your arm? Did you lick up the blood or use it as contacts solution? If not, you're fine.

If you're in this field for any amount of time, you're going to get blood on you. Probably a lot. Wash it off and keep going. Getting needle sticks, or blood on open wounds, or bodily fluid in your eyes- those are exposures. A blood smear on your arm? Walk it off, bud ;)
Well, you seem to imply that you are working for a paid department, but even within a volunteer department what I am about to say should exist. Do you not have an Infection Control Officer? Did you not take Bloodborne Pathogens class? You should have had both and actually a pathogens class you should have already covered in class and with any new hire orientation.

As the others have said, you are overthinking this. There will come a day where you will have blood, urine, feces or vomit on your uniform and/or skin. It is a hazard of the job. You clean it off and you move on. Unless you inhale, ingest, inject or have open sores your intact skin is one of the best barriers at your disposal.
And are you only planning another 15+ years for a career? What kind of retirement does your department offer? Sounds pretty good!

Minimum retirement for most city/county jobs is 25 years minimum....most guys push it to 30 or more to maximize retirement benefits.
Well i appreciate all the replies guys and I understand that the skin is the best barrier device against all blood borne pathogens and I understand that I most likely did not contact anything but just the thought of getting blood, urine, feces and vomit on me throughout my career does not click right with me and does not bring comfort to me. What I really want to do is physical therapy or something to do with sports or fitness but I'm 22 years old and its kinda hard to just switch careers and my parents won't let me -.-. I know it sounds like I'm ranting and I sound pathetic but I am just stating to you guys all that is going through my mind right now. It sucks cause I already paid for EMT school and I think becoming a fitness trainer would of been better for me. I don't know anymore. Thanks guys
Being a fitness trainer is more gross of a job than being an EMT. It's one thing to swap sweaty seats with teammates, but for some reason it just grosses me the hell out being an observer in that environment.

Could always do both.
22 is not in any way too late to change careers. If you're headed in the wrong direction, change now.
Well what I mean by not letting me is that it always turns into an argument and they start yelling and ****. Just annoys me cause they always believe I'm quitting something. I wouldn't mind being a cop and joining a swat team one day but the way the world is today, it makes it hard to be a cop. The only reason why I chose firefighter was cause of tea hours and I know that's horrible but it's the truth. I just need to figure it all out but I cant.
At 22 I was a father of one, married and on the job nearly 5 years....sigh. What my parents thought or if they were upset was the last thing on my mind.

Yeh man, do what is right for you now. It is not too late...but have your mom sign your permission slip first after she cuts your meat at dinner.
At 22 I was a father of one, married and on the job nearly 5 years....sigh. What my parents thought or if they were upset was the last thing on my mind.

Yeh man, do what is right for you now. It is not too late...but have your mom sign your permission slip first after she cuts your meat at dinner.
I just sprayed coffee all over my phone. Thanks...
Thanks *******.
Touchy much. You are getting good advice. 22 you're not a kid anymore, get over it. If you are waiting for your parents to tell you what to do and a bit of bodily fluids gross you out, try working an office job where you will just sit at a desk until you retire or die there then. It's safer and you won't be consistently exposed to bodily fluids.
Not touchy, just no need to reply like an *******. I'm seeking help not looking to be made fun of is all. I think we are all adults and can act like it but some can't I see.
Not touchy, just no need to reply like an *******. I'm seeking help not looking to be made fun of is all. I think we are all adults and can act like it but some can't I see.

You sound very adult like. Your parents are right. Get another job.
How are you getting along in the firehouse with such thin skin?

I had a gross-out moment doing CPR my first time; thought I kept smelling dead guy funk everywhere for the next 24 hours. I got over it; you'll probably get over it... Or you won't.

Either way, the advice is sound and the ribbing is good-natured. No one here can make the choice for you.
Not touchy, just no need to reply like an *******. I'm seeking help not looking to be made fun of is all. I think we are all adults and can act like it but some can't I see.
I disagree, if we were all adults we wouldn't be afraid of upsetting our parents with life decisions. We would move out and do our own thing, and live our own lives.