What to expect after NREMT?


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So I passed my NREMT and I am waiting to receive my paperwork. I was just wondering for those of you who area already working as and EMT what should I expect when I actually get hired? Do they expect you to jump right in or is there a training period ?
Did you get your state cert yet? If not, don't expect to get hired right away.

Talk to your potential employers and ask what they expect to see on an application.

Don't worry about what will happen after you get hired, that's the easy part.
Don't hold your breath waiting to find a job...may take a while
There is really no standard as what to expect. Whether you find a job at a hospital, on an ambulance service, for a private company (E.g. Eli Lily, GM, etc..), etc…etc… your orientation will vary. Even if you get on an ambulance service or a hospital, will you be on an ALS or BLS bus? Basically, whoever hires you will expect you to know what your level of training says you know, and the only “training” will really cover your agency’s protocols/method(s) of operation. Expect to be “tested” by your future partner and colleagues. Don’t expect to be turned loose on a patient by yourself until you have proven competence. Also, you will find that “Book EMS” will not jive with “Street EMS.” When you find this out, whatever you do not make an issue about it on scene…wait until you are alone with your partner then ask why things were done the way they were.

Look at an EMT-Basic level as a permission slip to learn how to be a Paramedic, and you’ll do fine. Good luck.