what should I expect in EMT-B class?


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I start in two weeks. Got home from army basic and AIT not to long ago. A buddy of mine is giving me notes to look at. I've also been reading over the books and work books. Any advice about the course or clinicals? Any tips for a new student? Only experience I have is CPR and army CLS.
If you have multiple schools that offer EMT-B courses find the one with the highest success rate, an instructor can make or break you.

In the course itself you will have medical terminology, basic to advanced first aid, ABCs, and general body system how's and whys. Clinicals will depend on your states requirements some but less that 8 - 10 8 hour shifts on an ambulance and maybe a few in an ER.

You have a good entry level with the CLS from the Army, just learn the material in class because its different from CLS.

Good Luck.
If you have taken introductory level undergraduate classes with success, it shouldn't be terribly difficult. Honestly, with good study habits and a little bit of discipline, the average high schooler could easily handle the cognitive content of an EMT course.
Thank you for the replies.

I've been asking friends who went through the course about the instructor, what to expect with clinicals and ride a longs.

I actually took a basic first aid class and emergency oxygen class because it was right after the CPR class I had to take, just to get something under my belt.

Just awaiting class now, trying to motivate myself up and stay interested and ready.

Hopefully I have good calls when ridealong comes around.

From what I heard, it really depends on who you ride with when it comes to what you will be doing during the ride a long.