What Other Class's


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So I recently earned my NR EMT-B and Co. state certs. In a couple of weeks I will start Basic EKG and then IV Cert. I want to work in the field for a couple of years before going back to P school. What other class's would be good for me to take during that time frame. I was thinking of Medical Terminology and some A&P class's. What other class's did some of you all take that helped you in your careers?
I took a CNA class last summer and worked as a tech at the hospital before signing up for my EMT-B classes. I haven't started yet, but I've been told that it probably will help me understand some of the basic medical terminology and doing routine vitals. I know some people take an EKG class since you learn that in paramedic school as well.
Look at a local RN program's prerequisites for entry into their program. You should take those courses, not because you want to become a Nurse, rather those classes make for a good foundation for you to more easily learn the material you'll get in your Paramedic Program. After you take A&P (full year), look for a pathophysiology course and take it if it's available. You'll gain a good understanding of what the body does when something goes wrong. Also you'll want to take a microbiology course as that'll give you a much better idea of what bugs are out there and how they're dealt with. A medical terminology course isn't a bad idea, but wait until after you've got a few other courses under your belt. A medical terminology course can end up being a good review because the words you learn have specific meanings and since you'll know the body already, it should be much easier to learn the language.
Thanks for the replies....The prereq's for RN is an awesome idea! I'm on the wait list for CNA, but thats a 1 1/2 wait list to get in.
Thanks for the replies....The prereq's for RN is an awesome idea! I'm on the wait list for CNA, but thats a 1 1/2 wait list to get in.

I second the notion for nursing pre reqs. I'd also take a few 'weekend courses' such as AMLS, or ITLS, depending on your individual interests.