What makes a good EMS TV Show?


Squad 51, this is Rampart. Can you send us some EKG?

Oh wow!!! I love this show! I had almost forgotten about it until I read your post. Emergency would have to be my all time favorite.
HIPPA will make it hard to do a COPS style EMS show. Trauma: Life in ER type shows aren't done anymore for that reason.

Actually, HIPAA is very easy to get releases for, the same releases to show people on camera in fact. It amazes me that people don't mind their criminal history in the newspapers but freak if their neighbors find out an ambulance came for their asthma.

HIPAA was written for the billers and got expanded to us for no reason I can see yet.

Thanks for all the input everyone!
Actually, HIPAA is very easy to get releases for, the same releases to show people on camera in fact. It amazes me that people don't mind their criminal history in the newspapers but freak if their neighbors find out an ambulance came for their asthma.

HIPAA was written for the billers and got expanded to us for no reason I can see yet.

Thanks for all the input everyone!

exactly they have to have them sign off to be on tv anyways and if they didn't all they have to do is blurr their face and not use their name its free game on them

To make a good EMS TV show requires a lot of thought and knowledge of demographics and to whom this show will appeal to. To make an EMS show successful it needs to attract a good following by creating a catchy storyline with realistic scenarios and, lets face it, action. Any new EMS show needs to have action and/or comedy, a lot of it. Currently the big hits are cop shows that allow a connection with a character or multiple characters, have a good mixture of comedic and action oriented elements with seriousness all rolled up into one neat storyline (think Law & Order SVU).

So, making a good EMS show? We need to think about character first. One of the major flaws of "Trauma" was putting too much emphasis on bad characterization. In fact, the primary focus was on the characters who had so many flaws that it was hard to keep up with. The action was alright, they did a good job of trying to get some action in there, but, once again, too much emphasis on characters and specific action on them was its downfall.

So lets recap...shows that are successful go after the demographic that like cop shows for the most part...however there are other demographics to appeal to, but it is a little harder, these cop show people are wooed by violence, laughter, and sex...EASY! If you are looking to do a reality show, make it interesting, but unfortunately reality TV is going down the drain as MTV and VH1 type shows are absolutely rediculous and less people are watching them and, lets face it, EMS won't appeal to pre-teens/teens. So in making a reality show successful we can look back at good examples like "Rescue 911" which took reality and reenactments and put them together in well done minisodes.

My personal thoughts on the matter, if you are looking for reality, put a camera in the back of an ambulance and make everything look exciting and new. If you are doing a regular TV show, incorporate action, comedy, and seriousness with a solid story line and good characterization.
If we do that with the type of calls my service gets then the viewers would fall asleep.
+ 1

Ems its going to be exciting to and outsider one percent of the time, a tv show about it even less then that.

As soon as they figure out we are not dodging bullets, climbing into burning cars, and driving a hundred miles an hour they're going to go back to watching Jersy Shore.

Best medical show ever on tv St. Elsewhere.