What is your opinion of pain management?

I have done digital blocks. Makes a world of difference for severe hand injuries.
Critmedic has 2 inaugural podcasts on the war on pain. A lot of good comments here backed up by sound logic and experience. Jeep has the autonomy to decide what he will do unlike many posters here but to that I agree with most of what he has said. For me the issue of pain management in the pre-hospital setting goes beyond, or rather, rises above (like a drone with a camera not in a "I'm better" way) the general discussion of what meds or what protocols. It also I think rises above those who would view themselves as gatekeepers to pain management. The fact is, without deep understanding of pain types and presentations, you are often just guessing. Usually the exceptions to the rule are what we remember. We have all seen and heard comments surrounding pain that would make us cringe. So what do we do?

Participating in research and advocating for our profession in our respective systems is a good place. Conversations about this issue outside of the 10, 50, or 100 pts you have seen in your area and your system and taking a real look at attitudes and methods outside of your box. This is key. Add context to your practice and you will find either a sense of satisfaction or a hunger to improve your system. Clare's perspective is always nice to hear for instance. We are not the only place in the world doing EMS, and we certainly aren't the best. Somethings we do are great, and some things we do are about as useful as MAST pants.

I will be doing further research into the use of Ketamine to be able to present to my medical director in the near future. Weingart, Minh Le Cong, and others have recently been advocating for its use and having reviewed the literature, I am thinking along the same lines.

My hope is that you all will do the same and gain some perspective on where your thinking sits on the wave of changing thoughts on medicine. You might be surprised.