4th of July weekend I did thirty-eight hours, thirty-three calls and one hour sleep. And that was hour thirty-seven -thirty-eight. Our department is set up, like most departments I suspect, to have adequet resourses to meet demand. EMS in the US, and from my friends overseas the UK as well is in limbo. Of the thirty-three responses ten or so qualified as true ALS calls. The others, with one or two exceptions were emergencies only to the people who called and percieved their situation an emergency.
I am frustrated and burned out but still able to bring quality care to my patients. If I leave, they (management, in this case fire department brass with a token EMS chief) will fill my spot with the next body so nothing will be solved, except my own sanity may be preserved.
I am frustrated and burned out but still able to bring quality care to my patients. If I leave, they (management, in this case fire department brass with a token EMS chief) will fill my spot with the next body so nothing will be solved, except my own sanity may be preserved.