Ex GSA employee here. Good shepherds last day in operation was 1/25/14. They had filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in December because they were having issues paying their payroll (bounced payroll checks was a common occurrence) and other obligations due to owing a ton of money to the IRS. According to management filing chapter 11 allowed them to get on a reasonable payment plan with the government and we were assured our jobs were safe as a chapter 11 bankruptcy is merely a restructuring of the company. Without notice on 1/24 midshift all employees were informed that the Court appointed trustee in charge of the Bankruptcy decided that the company was no longer viable and that the bankruptcy would be converted to a Chapter 7(liquidation) and that the next day would be our last.They also told that we would receive our last paychecks. Because we were assured our pay we all worked the rest of our shifts that day and showed up for work the next day, which in retrospect was a mistake considering we still haven't been paid our final 2 weeks and likely never will.