They want a subject not at room temp, not exacerbated by erroneous treatments (i.e., Johnson and Johnson first aid cream on burns, people giving their own Rx meds to subjects), and basic information the subject may not be able to give.
I got together with our responding EMS and received a copy of their worksheet, modified it slightly to serve our purposes, and they love getting the info in the same format they need to record it in. Now they will know what we did to whom and why/when, what meds they are supposedly taking, etc.
How about each worker gets and keeps a wallet card with medical info on their person? Include contact numebrs for spouse or family, your MD, your allergies/meds/blood type and any chronic conditions.
PS: This doesn't impact rural/extreme situations nor preparation for emergencies/disasters where medical response will be severely delayed, just the concept of flooding your urban/suburban workplace with willing Good Sam's and depending upon them to at as your medical brigade in any medical emergency.