what do you do if you have downtime?

Depends on which station I'm at.

Most of the time I avg. 13-20 calls a shift, so no time to do anything but fix people, and restock the truck.

If Im at my other station, I usually avg. 1-4 calls a shift, so a LOT of T.V. watching, and the occasional nap.
Occasional nap my a$$, you used to sleep all dang day ya lazy bum! Keep in touch bro, I haven't heard from you in a while..................................
We don't have a station. We have an office and a garage. We do 4 hours of core duty from 8 am to noon. After that, we get to go home. The rest of my time is spent sitting at home in my man jammies playing Xbox or watching tv. And, the occasional nap.
Mostly study...
Eat. 60% of my salary goes to food, much of which is eaten in between calls. 125 pounds and constant. Taking advantage of a great metabolism while it lasts.
Fry my brain looking at EMTLife.

Oh wait. Wouldn't EMT Life be an oxymoron? Can you even use those two in the same paragraph?

lol :lol:
Downtime, what is that?

I may sleep in the truck (stretchers are surprisingly comfortable in the back), or I might get some study done for my nursing course.

Sometimes I even wash the truck and try to look busy - if people think you are doing nothing, people find something for you to do. Always good to walk around with a peice of equipment or something and look like that you have a purpose in doing that - everyone leaves you alone.
Downtime, what is that?

Sometimes I even wash the truck and try to look busy - if people think you are doing nothing, people find something for you to do. Always good to walk around with a peice of equipment or something and look like that you have a purpose in doing that - everyone leaves you alone.

I've found that looking busy is generally more work than actually finding something to do.