We make good party conversation!

Some examples I've heard are..
I've heard you can use a car battery to start someone's heart.. is this true?
Yes, if you use 87 batteries and they are all wired correctly and you are working in a third world counrty with no liability laws.

I've heard that you can hyperventilate yourself into a coma and die.. is this true? Yes, but only if you do it at the bottom of a filled swimming pool.

Can you use your shirt as a mouth shield in CPR if you don't have anything else? Of course you can, assuming you dont care about blood born diseases like kooties or even worse getting pregnant.

Is is true you can die from ................ an ingrown toe nail....

or the best one of all.... "I knew a guy once.. and he said..........That I was so smart, I should become a police officer.

lol sorry bossy, I couldnt resist answering those!!!!!!!
lol sorry bossy, I couldnt resist answering those!!!!!!!

No apologies necessary. I'm actually writing down those responses to carry on a card in my wallet.