Washington State C-NA Reciprocity


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Hey there! I am an EMT-IV from colorado where I worked as an ER tech and a Basic on a ski hill, and I am in the process of applying to positions around Seattle. I have had difficulty with getting any clear information from employers and the state regarding the requirement to be a CNA to work in an ED. I am wondering if anyone has tried to apply for reciprocity via alternative training (I.E. past experience and EMT course) to obtain a state certification instead of taking a whole CNA course. This to me has been confusing considering I have already been working in that capacity and more, and also because my entire EMT clinical period was in an ED not on a truck. If anyone can shed some light on this for me that would be much appreciated!

p.s. hope this was the correct forum space
If the positions you're interested in require a CNA cert, why not just take a CNA course? They're fairly quick and inexpensive. If you don't meet the basic requirements for a position it would be very difficult to ever get an interview or prevent your app from immediately getting overlooked. EMT and CNA are not identical certifications. Even if you already have functioned as an ED tech, each facility has the right to form their own requirements.
All of this I am aware of, which brings me back to my question:
"I am wondering if anyone has tried to apply for reciprocity via alternative training (I.E. past experience and EMT course) to obtain a state certification instead of taking a whole CNA course."
A few of the places where I have applied and they have wanted to hire me told me about this process with the state dept. of Health. I am honestly just wondering how success people have been because the application cost money and the course costs more money.
