Want to do whats best- but where to turn...


You're stuck w/ me now (insert evil laughter here)
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Hi all,

I'm starting EMT school in 2 weeks, but was told that it would probably be wise to start looking for a job now or soon. One major consideration I have to take, however, are my kids and getting them to/from school. I'd like to work maybe PT, 2 nights a week. I wanted to talk to the local Ambulance company- but here's the problem...

I graduate from EMT school in May (dont want to start work until Aug/Sept). But this past Oct, my city decided to not go with Rural/Metro anymore and to sign a contract with Paramedics Plus. Well now, there's an appeal going on saying that the city didn't do a fair bidding/consideration/contracts practice... so now we have no idea who will be the ambulance service will be.

So I guess everything is up in the air? Maybe my kids will just have to go to Daycare for a year and do P-School immediately.
Can't hurt to look around for potential employers early but for the most part concentrate on the academics. Don't know which state you live in, but towards the end of EMT school you'll usually have to do some ride time. Personally, I think that would be your best time to be looking at employers because you could do a ride shift with them, seeing how they operate/moral/pay etc. Take a deep breath, kick a** in school! and you'll find a job
Burrito- I could complete agree with you, but we're pretty rural and the want us to do our ride along actually at the ED because in 10 hours, we may only get 2 calls. But I may ask an ambulance company if I can do a ride along anyway. BTW, absolutely love your profile pic. Huge fan of Johnny Cash.
Yeah you shouldn't have a problem getting a ride along shift at whichever company wins the bidding/contract for your hometown. ER time will help you see more patient care but the ride shift will help you see the day to day EMS stuff, stairchair use, cot practice, ambulance ops. You have plenty of time to worry about that stuff later on. Enjoy yourself, turn up the music (Cash), and hit the books and you'll be golden. Great taste in music!