wanna be EMT needs help


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hello, my name is zack bice and i am 27. i recently discovered what i want to do with my life and its to be an EMT or paramedic. ive been doing some research and i guess need anatomy 1 and 2, physiology, and medical terminology. is there any other classes i might need ( or just a great extra) to accomplish my goal and how long does something like this take? thanks for all of your help!!
English class.

Expect ATLEAST 2+ years total for all the education, to do it right.
hey zack, i'm starting my EMT-B this fall, and am taking Essentials of Anatomy and a couple of English Comp classes this summer.

in the fall i'll be taking Med Terminology and EMT-B as well as Beginning Spanish. i don't know where you're at but we have a lot of Hispanic, mostly Mexican, folks here and their English, when they have it, is pretty mangled. i decided to take the Spanish classes to better communicate when i need to interact.
my soon to be EMS teacher and advisers agreed this was a good idea, so you might want to consider a language class, if you are in a similar location.

good luck,


edit: oh yeah, Paramedic schooling. sorry, i'm pretty focused on summer classes, then onto EMT-B. one semester at a time. heh.
i'll be heading into the Paramedic Specialist program here at Iowa Lakes. it's two years after the EMT-B cert program. here's a link to give you an idea:

your local program provider should have a link to show you what classes you need.
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hello, my name is zack bice and i am 27. i recently discovered what i want to do with my life and its to be an EMT or paramedic. ive been doing some research and i guess need anatomy 1 and 2, physiology, and medical terminology. is there any other classes i might need ( or just a great extra) to accomplish my goal and how long does something like this take? thanks for all of your help!!

It took me 1.5 years until I was done with my EMT-B. I took an anatomy and biology class and the EMT course. And then there was all the testing and certifications. I worked hard because I wanted it really bad.
I started reading the text book about 4 month before I started my EMT class. I have a friend who is an instructor. He showed me all the skills. I read every book I could find about EMS.

I studied for my NREMT test for about 3 months. I also signed up for some of the online practices tests and took them over and over again. I read the textbook a few times. In the end it all paid off. I passed the test at the first time.
It all about how bad you want it. So don’t give up even it seems hard.
I just applied for the Paramedic class. I started preparing for it a month ago. I really want to be ready for that one.

I hope this helps a bit and good luck.:)
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If you are willing to put in a little extra time you should definitely take some non-required classes that will give you better understanding. There are so many available that are related but a few good ones would be an advanced or secondary physiology, microbiology, psychology (abnormal psych if its available), and general biology classes that cover the human body.

These kind of classes may not help you treat the symptoms of a patient on the way to an ER, but it is a great asset to have deeper understanding of what is going on with a patients chronic and acute problems.

Also depending on where you live, Spanish classes?

thank you for all your help. spanish is a great idea. im going to get ahold of my community college and my local FD and get the ball rollin!!! i love this site!!!

The local community colleges around here require Chemistry before they will allow you to enroll in A&P. How is everyone just taking A&P classes without any pre req's?
Different schools have different requirements. My undergrad, for example, taught physiology as an upper division core course and required molecular biology as a prereq. Well, the catch was that the first two years for bio sci majors was structured with the courses only being offered once a year and over summer, the final prereqs for physiology ended up being (course name [course number]): DNA to Organisms (bio 93), Organisms to Ecosystems (bio 94), genetics (bio 97), biochemistry (bio 98), molecular biology (bio 99), year of general chemistry (chem 1 A, B, C) with lab (chem 1L A, B, C), and two quarters of organic chemistry (chem 51 A, B) with first quarter O Chem lab (chem 51L B) .