Wake County NC EMS interview worries!


Forum Ride Along
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This is my first post! This forum has been a great source of knowledge for me as I've been going through my EMT-B course. Now that I am officially licensed I thought I would officially join this forum!

I am currently applying to a bunch of places but the Wake Co. job is the one I really want! The interview process seems pretty intense compared to the other interviews I've had. The written test and simulation worries me the most. I did well on all of my course tests and the state exam but I don't know if this written test is harder than those, or more geared towards testing the knowledge of experienced EMT-B. I know I am probably stressing over nothing but does anyone know what I should study/expect for this interview?

I'm not worried about the physical agility test or the panel interview, just the other stuff. I wouldn't want to miss out on a great job opportunity because I made a stupid mistake in one of these areas.

Thanks in advance and I look forward to getting to know everyone here!