Volunteer to Employee?


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What would you do?

I start school this fall, and if all things go well, I'll have my basic again in December (got it in FL but let it expire). I currently work in a department store and they aren't being so flexible with scheduling. I COULD quit and just go to school/volunteer/spend time with my family or I COULD keep working/not volunteer/go to school and never see my kids/. (:sad:) Which would make it easier to find employment immediately after receiving my basic? With the first, I'd be volunteering and I'm assuming that would make it easier to be hired (true?) with the second, I'd quit working AFTER getting my basic and then look for a job with only 24 hours of clinical experience. Which makes more sense to you? Keep in mind that my family doesn't absolutely need me to work right now, it's just nice to have two incomes and less to worry about. Ahh. What would you do?
The answer you're looking for depends much more on your priorities than mine. That said, I began my career by considering what I had to do to earn a decent living. Education came first, and then a good job. I started volunteering after I took care of the first two.
What would you do?

I start school this fall, and if all things go well, I'll have my basic again in December (got it in FL but let it expire). I currently work in a department store and they aren't being so flexible with scheduling. I COULD quit and just go to school/volunteer/spend time with my family or I COULD keep working/not volunteer/go to school and never see my kids/. (:sad:) Which would make it easier to find employment immediately after receiving my basic? With the first, I'd be volunteering and I'm assuming that would make it easier to be hired (true?) with the second, I'd quit working AFTER getting my basic and then look for a job with only 24 hours of clinical experience. Which makes more sense to you? Keep in mind that my family doesn't absolutely need me to work right now, it's just nice to have two incomes and less to worry about. Ahh. What would you do?

Life is hard, and if you're trying to see your kids and make a living as a Basic, prepare to be disappointed. Unless you can financially go unemployed while going to productive school, I would recommend keeping your job.

Have you rode with a local EMS service?
Like what the others said, if you can afford without a job for a little while to finish up, then by all means go for it, it can take off a lot of stress and free you up to study and knock it out.

But if you cannot and you feel like your current job can't be too flexible on hours, it wouldn't hurt to look else where and let them know about your school schedule. This way it's win/win.

I know it's hard but you got this.
Life is hard, and if you're trying to see your kids and make a living as a Basic, prepare to be disappointed. Unless you can financially go unemployed while going to productive school, I would recommend keeping your job.

Have you rode with a local EMS service?

Only on clinicals when I got my cert in FL. And I definitely don't expect to make a living out of this. We don't absolutely need the money. It's just nice to have a little extra. I'm not getting into EMS for the money.
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Like what the others said, if you can afford without a job for a little while to finish up, then by all means go for it, it can take off a lot of stress and free you up to study and knock it out.

But if you cannot and you feel like your current job can't be too flexible on hours, it wouldn't hurt to look else where and let them know about your school schedule. This way it's win/win.

I know it's hard but you got this.

What are your chances locally of getting an EMS job on that preparation which pays enough and has benefits?

If it were me, I wouldn't. EVERYONE wants to be an EMT and will work for peanuts part time to do it.