Vital Signs Conference.


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Vital Signs Conference 2009

I was just wondering if anybody here was planning on attending. I am going, it will be my first time at this conference. But it looks pretty good, taught by MD's and Paramedics. I am looking forward to learning a lot, hopefully I am not disappointed.

I am lucky too, my company is paying for it so it is just on me to go and learn. I am really looking forward to it.
My department is sending a bunch of people but I really didn't want to take time off for a trip upstate , especially since I've already spent time in Rochester and will be starting EMT-CC this month so I'm not exactly worried about CME's. Dinosaur BBQ and Nick Tahoes would have been worth the trip though.
My department is sending a bunch of people but I really didn't want to take time off for a trip upstate , especially since I've already spent time in Rochester and will be starting EMT-CC this month so I'm not exactly worried about CME's. Dinosaur BBQ and Nick Tahoes would have been worth the trip though.

Is NSLIJ still alotting slots to vollie houses for their medic program? Why waste time on the CC class when you can go straight to medic? Why go to school twice?
Just to be a curmudgeon....

Please conduct the following tasks for us:
1. Raise you hand and ask "Since 'pain' is the new vital sign, how do I quantifiably record it?".

2. If sales reps for vital sign monitor companies are in attendance, get in writing what their machines' expected/acceptable degree of precision is (e.g., +/- 5 mmHg for diastolic or some such) and how many temperatures a thermmometer probe is good for on average before needing replacement, and at what cost.

3. On the way home, ask "Was this really worth it?".

Have fun, get lots of freebies!!;)
Please conduct the following tasks for us:

3. On the way home, ask "Was this really worth it?".

Have fun, get lots of freebies!!;)

It will definitely be worth it for me. I live 30 minutes away and I am getting paid to go on top of the company paying the fees. And I get freebies. Sweet.
Please conduct the following tasks for us:
1. Raise you hand and ask "Since 'pain' is the new vital sign, how do I quantifiably record it?".

VAS, FLACC, Wong Baker, BPS, McGill Pain Questionnaire.

THere are plenty of ways that range from quick and easy to in depth and trickier. All of them allow quantifiable rating of pain and subsequent change in pain after treatment.