Visiting the US

Michael Reuriks

Forum Ride Along
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Hi guys,

My name is Michael and I work as a paramedic student in Hamburg Germany. I'm going on a trip trough the US and would like to know if it is possible to visit EMS/Fire/Police stations on my trip. I'm really interested how things work in the us. May be you can give me some tips how to approach them.
I will visit NYC, Chicago, Las Vegas, Los Angeles and San Francisco on my trip.

Thanks in advance
Typically if you just show up at a station and introduce yourself, the crews will be willing to show you around and answer any questions you may have.
We actually had a foreign exchange student from Japan ride along for a few hours on one of my shifts a week or so ago so it's definitely doable. So if you call up our company and explain your situation you can probably get a ride along scheduled. We're one of only 4 private ambulance companies that run 911 response in LA County, otherwise it's all municipal fire based (we're actually contracted thru the County FD so it's still pretty much 100% fire based EMS here in Los Angeles as well as over in Las Vegas FYI).

For the fire departments, you can usually walk in and get a quick tour if they have time (not on calls or training drills or whatever)...usually best to call beforehand and bring a treat with you (ice cream is always a winner). I doubt you'd get a ride along that way, otherwise once again you can call the departments main number and request one.
We actually had a foreign exchange student from Japan ride along for a few hours on one of my shifts a week or so ago so it's definitely doable. So if you call up our company and explain your situation you can probably get a ride along scheduled. We're one of only 4 private ambulance companies that run 911 response in LA County, otherwise it's all municipal fire based (we're actually contracted thru the County FD so it's still pretty much 100% fire based EMS here in Los Angeles as well as over in Las Vegas FYI).

For the fire departments, you can usually walk in and get a quick tour if they have time (not on calls or training drills or whatever)...usually best to call beforehand and bring a treat with you (ice cream is always a winner). I doubt you'd get a ride along that way, otherwise once again you can call the departments main number and request one.

Thanks for the information. Which company do u work for?
I work 911 response in indianapolis. It's not on your list but if you make it to Indy I'm sure something could be arranged. A phone call to management a day or two prior to shift and a bit of paperwork is all that's necessary.
Thanks for the information. Which company do u work for?
I work in New York State not the city though. Albany( 2-2.5 hours upstate), If you would like to do a ride along I'm sure that can be arranged up here, we have them routinely.
Thanks for the information. Which company do u work for?
I completely missed your response, sorry! Anywhos, I work for McCormick Ambulance here in LA (I'm just a field EMT, not involved with management or anything lol but we take student ride alongs regularly from some of the EMT schools in the area, so like I said if you call the office and explain your situation, I'm sure they could arrange a few hours on a rig if you really wanted, but I can't exactly guarantee that either unfortunately.)
If you want to do a ride along in Los Angeles, your best bet would be a fire department, all of the ambulance companies are BLS (sorry to cblock you @Jim37F).
North of Los Angeles is Bakersfield. Nothing quite as majestic as the metropolis of Los Angeles, but a good little ems system.

Although, we don't typically do ride along requests, maybe they'd make an exception.

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