Ginger Medic
Forum Probie
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Hey all,
Transported a patient last night with abdominal pain to a local ER. On scene, patient was in uncontrolled A-fib between 106-110. 12 lead showed the same, no stemi or ectopy. At time of transport, patient was throwing intermittent runs of 3 complexes that looked like PVC's. Began our transport and printed a strip for documentation. On my call in, patient went into what looked to be a 10 second run of V-Tach. Hit print and noticed my Lifepak monitor indicating that there was a pacemaker active with the arrow icons, however, the monitor also was indicating there was a pacemaker within the A-fib complexes too. Does anyone know how to tell whether there truly was a run of V-Tach or just a paced rhythm? The patient did have a pacemaker history, however, it shouldn't be kicking in at over 100bpm...also, I could not see a pacer spike in my EKG strips. This and the fact that the monitor was seeing pacer spikes within some of the A-fib complexes leads me to believe the monitor was seeing what wasn't there. Also, patient had a significant cardiac and renal history which would preclude her for a cardiac event. Any ideas are appreciated.
Transported a patient last night with abdominal pain to a local ER. On scene, patient was in uncontrolled A-fib between 106-110. 12 lead showed the same, no stemi or ectopy. At time of transport, patient was throwing intermittent runs of 3 complexes that looked like PVC's. Began our transport and printed a strip for documentation. On my call in, patient went into what looked to be a 10 second run of V-Tach. Hit print and noticed my Lifepak monitor indicating that there was a pacemaker active with the arrow icons, however, the monitor also was indicating there was a pacemaker within the A-fib complexes too. Does anyone know how to tell whether there truly was a run of V-Tach or just a paced rhythm? The patient did have a pacemaker history, however, it shouldn't be kicking in at over 100bpm...also, I could not see a pacer spike in my EKG strips. This and the fact that the monitor was seeing pacer spikes within some of the A-fib complexes leads me to believe the monitor was seeing what wasn't there. Also, patient had a significant cardiac and renal history which would preclude her for a cardiac event. Any ideas are appreciated.